Westfield Sportsmans Club Machine Gun Shoot

Frosty have you been there before? Are the a lot of guns to shoot? Poster says swap and sales, Do you know if there is a lot of tables?
I went to one about three (?) years ago and it was a BLAST! (pun intended) I personally shot a Thompson M1A1 and a H&K MP5. There were at least 50-100 or more MGs there. I do not recall any swap or sell tables, that may be a new feature.

We could have a western chapter meeting of NortheastShooters if people want.

The heck with Western chapter... I may show up there.

That's okay, we don't hold anything against you "eastern" types. Even though you DO hog all the road repair funds. :D

Y'all kin cum shoot with us, ya' hear?
I think we are having my mom's 50th party on that Sat and I have a concert on Sun night but I am so going to try to make that one. Thanks for the heads up.
FPrice said:
Even though you DO hog all the road repair funds.
Frosty, trust me... I'd love to see the Big Dig stopped. They jacked up the Pike tolls to pay for it, but we don't see any benefit for it! It only benefits North-South travellers!

FPrice said:
Y'all kin cum shoot with us, ya' hear?

Why, thankee, friend! That's right neighborly of ya. (and I can hear Tony cracking up somewhere down south to see two damnyankees talking like this...)

It's a nice shoot. We have always had a great time there. [lol] Would love to have you come up into this neck of the woods. [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
It's a nice shoot. We have always had a great time there. [lol] Would love to have you come up into this neck of the woods. [lol]
Well, since SWMBO will be playing with F15's that weekend, I'll be at loose ends. I may try and get a few friends to come with, too. They're probably lurking on the board at this very minute, too...

Huh? Is this being held near an airbase? I'm not following you here.

Westield is the home of Barnes ANGB. Since you mentioned F-15s, I made the assumption that she works at Otis ANGB, which the BRAC decided to close. Their airplanes seem to be destined to come out here.
FPrice said:
Westield is the home of Barnes ANGB. Since you mentioned F-15s, I made the assumption that she works at Otis ANGB, which the BRAC decided to close. Their airplanes seem to be destined to come out here.

Ah... I see now. Nope, Kath will be at Cape Canaveral monitoring some test flights.
I believe the last time we went I shot the m-60 and it was like twenty dollars and quite a few rounds. It does vary by weapon. Some were cheaper,some more expensive. That was 2 years ago.
C-pher said:
Well, anyone? This is info I would need to know before I spend 100 bucks in gas driving two hours to get out there...

We can carpool, C-ph... Heck, we could get up a convoy and load as many Eastern MA shooters as want to go.

Oh, they have neat toys there. I'm just partial to the M-60 is all. It might make you want to get you machine gun license though. [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh, they have neat toys there. I'm just partial to the M-60 is all. It might make you want to get you machine gun license though. [lol]

I surprised Ross, and everyone else, when I bump fired my AK when we were shooting Labor Day weekend. It's one of those things you really had to see. Then next thing I know, he's interested in Class III weapons.
Nickle said:
Then next thing I know, he's interested in Class III weapons.

Uh... you're reading too much here from too little info. I'm interested in shooting Class III's - not necessarily owning them. Like jumping out of a plane, it's something I've never done... and am curious about.

Since it sounds like it'll be cheaper to go to Westfield than rent them up at Manchester Firing Line, this seems like a great opportunity to try out a bunch of full autos.

As for owning... see the thread on "Which AK?" for the list of future purchases. While it might be nice to own a Tommy Gun, that ain't happening unless I win the lottery... and can convince the MPD chief to give me a class III permit.

dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
Then next thing I know, he's interested in Class III weapons.

As for owning... see the thread on "Which AK?" for the list of future purchases. While it might be nice to own a Tommy Gun, that ain't happening unless I win the lottery... and can convince the MPD chief to give me a class III permit.


Tell me about it. I had a friend back in Ohio that I worked with that was into Full Auto.

He took me out to shoot several. He brought out some HK thing with 30 round clips that would empty before you could crack a smile.

I said that I liked it...he said that it cost more than my car. That's when I knew that I wouldn't be into Full Auto.

Hell, when the cheapest thing full auto you can find is 6000 bucks. You that's something that I'm not getting into.

But I'll shoot them anytime that I get the chance. I love them. They are fun...just cost a lot of money.
Oh, Ross jumping out of airplanes is great. Something I enjoyed in my younger years. Go figure I am also afraid of heights,but too me that was the most fun. I didn't do that for Uncle though. Did that before I went in though. The best rush ever. Where I went I also learned how to pack my own chute too. I don't think the body could take it these days though.
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh, Ross jumping out of airplanes is great. Something I enjoyed in my younger years. Go figure I am also afraid of heights,but too me that was the most fun. I didn't do that for Uncle though. Did that before I went in though. The best rush ever. Where I went I also learned how to pack my own chute too. I don't think the body could take it these days though.

I, too, do not like heights - I try to avoid going up on a ladder to pull cable at work if I can possibly get out of it. And with my foot right now, jumping is just NOT an option.

But the big 5 0 is coming up in a few years... Sounds like something fun to do on one's birthday.
When do you hit the big 50? I have 5 years to go. I'd concider going with you. If you want to take the plunge. The airport here in Northampton does it.
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