Went down to Upton State Park today...yes it DOES have a coyote problem...

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Went down to Upton. Not a bad place. Took the .22 though it didn't have a scope. I was quite careful with it, no worries.

Walked around for quite a bit. Didn't find any squirrels till I was headed out then found a nice batch of den trees as I headed back toward the entrance (they weren't anywhere close to the entrance but were off a ways to the right as you jump off the main path).

Took one shot at a squirrel up on a branch not too far away but missed his little ass. Sent him scurrying.

Frankly though, I think I will stick to the shotgun in state parks as I found there's too many people to make me feel very comfortable with the rifle. Yes, you can use one if you want there but the shotgun is a bit better in terms of piece of mind IMHO.

No worries, I did not shoot near anybody today. [laugh]

Just wanted to share some thoughts on it. I think the rifle would be okay at a WMA without a lot of hikers/bikers running around but the shotgun is a better bet in a place like that.

Note that Upton apparently DOES have a coyote problem as there are signs warning people to keep their dogs on leashes or risk a possible confrontation with the coyotes in the park. Also noted that right near those signs was a sign about a missing lab that had apparently suddenly disappeared.

So there's definitely a coyote problem down there.

We should try to figure out how to hunt the little bitches and go get em'. I don't know shit about hunting coyote but it'd be nice to thin down their numbers apparently as people's pets have been disappearing a lot in that area as one guy told me today.

Anyway, it seems like a nice park. However, I ran into a major bitch today as I was walking out. At first I thought it was a guy but then I got closer and it must have been a dykey looking woman.

I said hi to her as I was walking by, trying to be my cheerful, nice self. And she GLARED at me and gave me an icy look. Then walked right by me. I was like....okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...I guess I found an anti. LOL

The other people were fine though every one of them was surprised to hear me say I was after squirrel. Damn, the deer hunters have these people thinking that every guy with a gun in orange is after deer! [laugh]

Anyway, no bushytails for me today. [crying]
Heh, heh.

I don't know, she was seriously frigid. Freaking ice queen, man. Brrrrrrrr!

She was also quite stupid as she had her dog with her and it wasn't on a leash. The sign at the front of the park says quite clearly that all pets should be on a leash because of coyotes.

Just like a dumbass to do something like that. If the dog had gotten eaten she probably would have whined and blamed the state for letting them eat her dog. [rolleyes]
Jim, you should have said something nasty. She's not on our side and never will be, so there's no point in making nice.
Naaaaaah, then I sink to her level. Let her keep raining and we'll still be the parade! [smile] [grin]

Yup. Not to mention that if you had been rude, she'd be telling EVERYONE she knows just how nasty gun owners are. Trust, she might still do that, but no need to give her, or anyone like her, ammo....so to speak.
Yep, true.

Yup. Not to mention that if you had been rude, she'd be telling EVERYONE she knows just how nasty gun owners are. Trust, she might still do that, but no need to give her, or anyone like her, ammo....so to speak.
Ha, ha! What would have been REALLY great is if I'd gotten a squirrel! Then I could have put it in the crook of my arm and crooned at it while I walked by her: "Oh hello little wuggums squirrel, are you my little snuggly wuggly squirrel? Oh yes, I think you are now that I have whacked your little grey ass, I am going to eat you when I get home...little snuggle wuggums"

That would have REALLY freaked her out!!! [rofl]

OMG, our little JellyFish is growing up! I'm so proud... [wink]

Seriously, Jim - you did exactly right. Great job. Let the other person be the rude one.
Ha, ha! What would have been REALLY great is if I'd gotten a squirrel! Then I could have put it in the crook of my arm and crooned at it while I walked by her: "Oh hello little wuggums squirrel, are you my little snuggly wuggly squirrel? Oh yes, I think you are now that I have whacked your little grey ass, I am going to eat you when I get home...little snuggle wuggums"

That would have REALLY freaked her out!!! [rofl]
It would have had me rolling on the ground if I'd seen that!!!! [rofl2]
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