Weapons on the Web, tonight on Channel 7

Mar 12, 2005
North of Boston, MA
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Just saw this on the 7News website. I don't know who will be reporting this gibberish but I will certainly be watching.

Weapons on the Web
They're illegal, dangerous and easy to buy, and these deadly weapons are making their way into the hands of criminals. We go undercover to expose easy access to "Weapons on the Web"
"Weapons on the Web," tonight at 11 p.m. on 7News.
I have an instant sale on barf bags here, in preparation for this event!
You want readily available deadly weapons? Try walking through your local Home Depot.

Chain saws
Saw blades
Pipe Wrenches
(insert your favorite hand or power tool here)

You think the "concerned" news media would care more about these deadly weapons that can be purchased by anyone with cash in hand, no license, no waiting period, no age limit, and no credit card required.

You know...for the children, and all.
mAss Backwards said:
Also, here's a reminder as to what qualifies as a "prohibited weapon" in Massachusetts...


Thank you, Tom Reilly.

And this guy might be our next Govenor. If you think MA is bad now, just wait and see what happens when Adolf gets elected. [shock] [shock] [shock] [shock] [shock] [shock] [shock] [shock] [shock]
I thought the same thing right after I posted that... However I decided to leave it to see who would give me shit about it..

Thanks buddy, you made my day!


mAss Backwards said:
You want readily available deadly weapons? Try walking through your local Home Depot.

Chain saws
Saw blades
Pipe Wrenches
(insert your favorite hand or power tool here)

torches, propane, demolition bars, double sided pick axes, flares, sledge hammers in various weights, etc... carried on my truck everyday. [lol] 8)

I'm surprised I don't need to present the cashier at Home Depot with reasons for needing all of these dangerous implements of death & destruction.
At home depot you can walk in, and buy a ramset, and high power .22 blanks. You ever see how far and hard those things will throw a nail when not against the ground?

Awwwww, places like Home Depot are too easy; your mind gets lazy looking for weapons there. You need to pick a somewhat more challenging venue. For instance, find all the ingredients for a bomb walking through Trader Joe's. It can be done without that much effort. [wink]

K Maurer:
For instance, find all the ingredients for a bomb walking through Trader Joe's. It can be done without that much effort.

Do they still sell iodine & ammonia? I think we called it iodine trinitrate. Not the most powerful, or the most convenient to use, but my favorite sensitive material since junior high school. Whoops. Off topic again.
"Lethal" Stun guns according to the report. And switch blades, not like I couldn't buy those 30 years ago when I was kid. It's that EVILLLLLLLL Internet. But, TR is on the case, so I know it will all be taken care of.

Yea, that's a pretty dumb report. Looks like they were just filling some time trying to use some scare tactics.

I guess that after all the reports of how easy it was to get guns into MA, they found out that it's not...and went in a different direction.
Yeah, what got me is how they kept repeating "leathal" with regards to stun guns. Also, when they showed the knife they actually bought, it wasn't a switchblade at all. It may have been assisted opening, but not push button. During the scenes where they showed knives on the 'net, they were showing Benchmade knives quite a lot.

Hand held stun guns. Isn't that what women are supposed to be able to carry to protect themselves???
C-pher said:
MidKnight said:
Hand held stun guns. Isn't that what women are supposed to be able to carry to protect themselves???

Not in MA. IIRC, not even the police are allowed to have them.

Well, not precisely correct . . . the law changed about a year ago and LE can now deploy them but the restrictions are so onerous and the paperwork so intense that only 1 or 2 PDs have deployed them to date in MA. ONLY MSP and MUNICIPAL PDs will be allowed to deploy them, no other LE (e.g. campus police, I don't think that the Sheriffs Dept or Corrections) will be allowed under the law as written.
Ummm, a broadcast confession of a felony and no arrests? Sure looks like the laws are working. I mean, once those words are on paper, doesn't it guarantee that the crime will not occur or if it does, the criminal will be punished?

The real story here is not the ease of getting items that are 100% legal in other states, but that banning items as a method to curb crime doesn't solve a damn thing.

Failure to arrest and procecute blatant felons - think the media will point that out when the AG runs?
Chris said:
Failure to arrest and procecute blatant felons - think the media will point that out when the AG runs?

Sure, then Teddy will go on the wagon, Al Gore will stop telling blatant lies, Slick Willy will be faithful, Kerry will stop riding his wife's coat tails, and Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson will stop playing the race card EVERY damn time someone isn't given a free ride and expected to be responsible for their own actions and fate....

Yeah it MIGHT happen.

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