We don't need to secure our borders.

Hopefully he didn't get a chance to victimize anyone else while on his little vacation.
The slug who was caught in Plymouth last week is an illegal Brazilian and the paper reported that he may be HIV positive. He had been in the US for 9 years and the only "run ins" with the law was for driving without a license.
JonJ said:
Hopefully he didn't get a chance to victimize anyone else while on his little vacation.
The slug who was caught in Plymouth last week is an illegal Brazilian and the paper reported that he may be HIV positive. He had been in the US for 9 years and the only "run ins" with the law was for driving without a license.

Good heavens....that poor woman. My heart goes out to her. May he rot in hell. What he did isn't bad enough - oh no - now, if he is HIV positive, we have to pay for his flaming treatments as well. Oh lord....my blood pressure....
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