Warning - Shocking Photos of the War...

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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I wanted to share some of the photos that are too shocking to show on Mainstream Media for fear that it might change the minds of some people about this war.








Sorry for posting these, but I just felt that these Horrific images of the war needed to be shown.
Yeah, if people actually saw the good that is being done over there they might actually see that MAIN stream media reports only the negative.

Don't they know they could poke someone's eye out with those pencils there?

And, remember kids. No matter how much you think school totally blows, it beats a mass grave anyday. Unless of course, you write for the LA Times, NY Times, Boston Globe, etc., then they're just about equal.

Ted "Senator Shotglass" Kennedy, of course, was outraged by the photos of the mass graves with the dead women and children piled into them. He's more of a watery grave fan, anyway.
And here's a picture of a nice Iraqi lady, giving the camera the finger. Pay close attention which finger.


And if you haven't seen this before, a Vermont National Guardsman, and a few Iraqis.

I should add that Lana (the woman in the picture), is actually one of my heroes. She voted.

She's a better person than 30% of American adults. The Iraqis were under death threats if they voted, and their turnout EXCEEDED the US voting percentage. Most Americans just don't appreciate what they have. Apparently, most Iraqis DO appreciate what they have NOW.
Y'know, I sent the photos in the first post to some of my friends. One of them apparently sent them to his father, a Reverend, who sent me back a rant about the Evils of President Bush and how we didn't belong in Iraq, etc. Y'know, the usual liberal New Yorker propaganda.

I sent him back a calmly worded rebuttal and haven't heard from him since. [twisted] When I get home tonight, I'll try to find the note and my reply in my trash bin on my home computer and post them. Think y'all might get a kick out of them.

Greg said:
Do Iraqi's even know who Santa Claus is,or do they think it's just a crazy American dressed up like a fool ?

A couple of observations here.

That crazy fool is proof that "The apple didn't fall far from the tree", since some folks say his father is also a crazy fool. I've known the "Santa" for some time now.

IIRC, he's an Agnostic, but possibly Atheist, but he is a significant part German, and was actually born there (Frankfurt).

The good of Santa Claus goes way beyong Christianity, and the Iraqis do understand more than you think about a few of our customs.

Of course, that picture would never make it on the Evening News, since it shows good things in Iraq.
Nickle said:
Greg said:
Do Iraqi's even know who Santa Claus is,or do they think it's just a crazy American dressed up like a fool ?

A couple of observations here.

That crazy fool is proof that "The apple didn't fall far from the tree", since some folks say his father is also a crazy fool. I've known the "Santa" for some time now.

IIRC, he's an Agnostic, but possibly Atheist, but he is a significant part German, and was actually born there (Frankfurt).

The good of Santa Claus goes way beyong Christianity, and the Iraqis do understand more than you think about a few of our customs.

Of course, that picture would never make it on the Evening News, since it shows good things in Iraq.

I think you are giving a 3rd world civilization that has been living like savages for thousands of years too much credit.

Do you really think they are taught even the smallest parts of Christianity while being brainwashed with izlamic bs?

Much less a crazy mixed up and distorted ritual of handing out presents made my slave dwarfs given away by a fat guy dress liked a fool that crawls down a billion chimneys in the space of 7 hours while being dragged around the world by friggin flying reindeers ??

I doubt it.
Greg said:
Do you really think they are taught even the smallest parts of Christianity while being brainwashed with izlamic bs?

Much less a crazy mixed up and distorted ritual of handing out presents made my slave dwarfs given away by a fat guy dress liked a fool that crawls down a billion chimneys in the space of 7 hours while being dragged around the world by friggin flying reindeers ??

Taught? Probably not, no. OTOH, the American ritual of Christmas is probably held up as a classic example of the decadent Americans' greed.

Not to mention that with all the advertising that goes on here,I'm sure that some of it spills over on TV - satellite, etc.
dwarven1 said:
Y'know, I sent the photos in the first post to some of my friends. One of them apparently sent them to his father, a Reverend, who sent me back a rant about the Evils of President Bush and how we didn't belong in Iraq, etc. Y'know, the usual liberal New Yorker propaganda.

I sent him back a calmly worded rebuttal and haven't heard from him since.

Here's the letter I got from this gentleman:
From: "Rev. Dr. Meliville B. Hxxxxxx"
Subject: Re: Shocking Photos - NOT!!

You should never forget that it is the recklessness of George Bush that is causing all the pain and suffering in the world today..He knew without a doubt that there were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq before he persuaded the American public to invade. Iraq poses no threat to the US

And my reply:

At 04:35 PM 7/24/2005, you wrote:

You should never forget that it is the recklessness of George Bush that is causing all the pain and suffering in the world today..

Brother Hxxxxx, I must respectfully disagree with you there. The Palestinians, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, the Sudanese, the Taliban, etc, are quite capable of killing by themselves and were doing so long before George W. Bush was elected President.

In the sense that the Islamic fundamental murderers have found a target uniting them in their hatred in George Bush, I might agree with you, but again, the USS Cole, the Marine barracks bombing, the embassy bombings in Africa and the Iranian Hostage Crisis show clearly that the Islamic world hates the United States and our ideas of religious freedom and freedom of speech and did so long before Bush's inauguration.

He knew without a doubt that there were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq before he persuaded the American public to invade.

Very possibly. Personally, I think that our next targets should have been Iraq and Syria, who definitely sponsor terrorism. But we are there, and I sent those pictures to show that the Iraqi people, as a people, do not hate us and in fact are glad we're there. Which you won't see in our oh-so-liberal and "unbiased" media.

Iraq poses no threat to the US

Not now, no.

dwarven1 said:
You should never forget that it is the recklessness of George Bush that is causing all the pain and suffering in the world today.

Flash! This just in! GWB = 666! Bush revealed as the antichrist. [shock]

dwarven1 said:
He knew without a doubt that there were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq before he persuaded the American public to invade.

Of course he knew it. He was part of that vast right-wing conspiracy along with Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and the United Nations lying to us about it. :?

dwarven1 said:
Iraq poses no threat to the US

Neither did a bunch of ragheads in the mountains of Afghanistan. Sorry you couldn't have been on the 85th floor. [evil]

I think you are giving a 3rd world civilization that has been living like savages for thousands of years too much credit.

Do you really think they are taught even the smallest parts of Christianity while being brainwashed with izlamic bs?

Much less a crazy mixed up and distorted ritual of handing out presents made my slave dwarfs given away by a fat guy dress liked a fool that crawls down a billion chimneys in the space of 7 hours while being dragged around the world by friggin flying reindeers ??

I doubt it.

Wow. Was that just a giant troll? I mean, living like savages? Huh? They are very intelligent people just like you and me. Why do you say that they live like savages?
They aren't even a 3rd world country. It's just ignorant to say that they are. They are an industrialized nation that can make enourmous amounts of money from oil.

Anyways, I passed up this thread many times because I wan't in the mood to see 'shocking photos' but I went into it today. THANKS! That's all I can say. So refreshing and it would be nice if things like this were focused on in the media. Too many people just think that the world of Iraq stops where the media coverage stops and it doesn't! Thanks again.
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