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Dec 30, 2005
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Due to the restrictive nature of MA gun laws I had a question pop into my heard today.

Has anyone in MA you ever heard of actually used a legally owned gun for self defense (as in shooting an assailaint, not waving it around)? How many were punished for breaking the vague laws? How many met the requirements for self defense according the state house?
There was a woman...I can't remember where, but it was near Boston, IIRC...a couple years ago. A guy came in to her house. I'm a bit vague as to the details of it (Len might remember this), but I think he had been drinking. She yelled at him to leave but he kept coming towards her. She went for her gun and shot him (can't remember where - the leg I think). He ran, she called the police. They picked him up after he called saying he had been shot (don't remember what his story was as to why). Anywho...she wasn't charged.

Nancy Snow put me in touch with her and I spoke to her about it. I told her not to feel bad about having to do that. The alternative would have been a lot worse. She also said that everyone she knew was being really nice to her about the whole thing. I was VERY glad to hear that.
Home invader shot by armed woman

ARLINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS -- A man shot in the neck by a woman when
he allegedly broke into her Arlington home remains hospitalized in fair



Lynne said:
There was a woman...I can't remember where, but it was near Boston, IIRC...a couple years ago. A guy came in to her house. I'm a
A while back, a year or so ago I think, here where I live in New Bedford a man was fatally shot after breaking into a gun owner's house or garage, again I can't remember exactly the details. What I do know is he chased the intruder out and shot him in the back while he was running away.
It all sounds like bad juju but the local media was focusing on two things. One that the shooter was ex military and a marskman, vietnam vet I believe, and two the intruder was a drug addict and had just recently stole a woman's purse. There hasn't been any final say in what will happen to the shooter but the majority of the city is behind him.

Heres a piece I just found on the incident:

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. - A man who shot and killed another man on his property has been indicted for second-degree murder, according to prosecutors.

The grand jury indicted Charles D. Chieppa, 56, for the July 17 shooting of 26-year-old Frank Pereira Jr. with a rifle.

The fatal shots were fired near Chieppa's property just before dawn. By sunrise, motorists drove past Mr. Pereira's body, honking their horns and shouting in support of the shooting, the Standard-Times of New Bedford reported.

Chieppa, a Vietnam War combat veteran, lived in his parent's old home and largely kept to himself, neighbors said.

The home was next to Alfie's bar, which is known for drug dealing and prostitution. Pereira had snatched a purse from an Alfie's patron just hours before he was shot, police said.

Police had initially said the shooting happened when Chieppa confronted a burglar breaking into his home around 4 a.m. A day later, detectives acknowledged that they were investigating whether Pereira had actually entered the house before Chieppa opened fire.

At the time, prosecutors said there was evidence that Pereira had tried to break into several vehicles parked in the driveway, including a camper and a trailer.

One witness, said she heard gunshots then saw Pereira collapse along a curb almost 50 feet from Chieppa's fence.

Chieppa has not made any public remarks since the shooting and did not return messages from the Standard-Times seeking comment.
Yes, I believe the incident Lynne mentions was in Arlington. I live there and I remember it well, because my friend is a police officer here and we both know (knew) the person who was shot. I say knew because the person is now deceased, but not as a result of the gunshot wound.

greycar said:
ARLINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS -- A man shot in the neck by a woman when
he allegedly broke into her Arlington home remains hospitalized in fair



Also in Arlington: This is going back probably a couple of years. A robber looking for Oxycontin(?) held up Meida's pharmacy on Mass Ave, & the owner shot him. No charges against the store owner, as far as I can recall.

K-dub I am also familiar with that incident. That guy with the pharmacy has been robbed and fired shots in response at least 2 maybe even 3 times that I am aware of. I guess you could say he is definitely the wrong guy to rob, but they keep trying. [rolleyes]

Depending on which incident it was that you refering to, I also know one of those perpetrators too but he unlike the other guy mentioned above is still around.

Police Say Robbers Were Looking For Oxycontin

Arlington police are on the lookout for a robber who
opened fire in a pharmacy Thursday.
According to police, the shots were fired during a botched
robbery at Maida's Pharmacy on Massachusetts Avenue.


K-DUB said:
Also in Arlington: This is going back probably a couple of years. A robber looking for Oxycontin(?) held up Meida's pharmacy on Mass Ave, & the owner shot him. No charges against the store owner, as far as I can recall.
Whether or not it truely deterrs the f***ed up druggies that come in looking for Oxycontin or not, my pharmacy purposely does not keep it in stock. If someone brings in a prescription for it, we will special order it for them for the next day. The majority of my patients who get it on a monthly basis take it as a maintenance med, are all aware of our policy, and never have a problem with it. You don't want to wait until tomorrow afternoon?...Please take your business somewhere else.
dreppucci007 said:
Whether or not it truely deterrs the f***ed up druggies that come in looking for Oxycontin or not, my pharmacy purposely does not keep it in stock. If someone brings in a prescription for it, we will special order it for them for the next day. The majority of my patients who get it on a monthly basis take it as a maintenance med, are all aware of our policy, and never have a problem with it. You don't want to wait until tomorrow afternoon?...Please take your business somewhere else.

That seems like it could be a problem - do you really want some strung out junky with an itchy trigger finger to be waving around his Glock fohtee hoping to score some "Oxy" and you ain't got none???

Jay G said:
That seems like it could be a problem - do you really want some strung out junky with an itchy trigger finger to be waving around his Glock fohtee hoping to score some "Oxy" and you ain't got none???


Hey, it's not my stuff...The company is insured...I'll show him the door to the pharmacy and let him shop while I get outta dodge. He can have all the Percocets, Morphines, and amphetamines he wants!
dreppucci007 said:
Hey, it's not my stuff...The company is insured...I'll show him the door to the pharmacy and let him shop while I get outta dodge. He can have all the Percocets, Morphines, and amphetamines he wants!

Dunno, I think the armugment fails when you give a logical responce to a drug addict. Science has shown they respond far better to bullets than to logic.

When I was living in Medford two goblins with a doctored Airsoft gun tried to hold up a gas station. The attendant shot both of them, one of them died. No legal charges were filed against him. I dunno about any civil suits from the surviving goblin or the Dead one's family.

I'm sure he was on the verge of turning his life around [rolleyes]

-Weer'd Beard
I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of the policy...Believe me, if I could just give the guy his OCs and send him on his way, it would be just that much easier. I don't know how it would all go down, but I just hope to God I never run into the situation...Haven't yet, knock on wood.
Dre... If some druggie comes in, wanting oxy's and waves a gun around, tell him sure thing, and fill his bag with laxative instead...

Now THAT would be funny!
Adam_MA said:
Dre... If some druggie comes in, wanting oxy's and waves a gun around, tell him sure thing, and fill his bag with laxative instead...

Now THAT would be funny!

Hahaha...He wouldn't know the difference! I'll have to remember that one, and then never go back to the pharmacy again, because he'll be doing more than waving the gun after he's off the pot! [laugh]
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