Video: Surviving an Active Shooter

Their words of wisdom. "As a last resort you may need to defend yourself" Suggestions included a broom and a fire extinguisher LOL

Also when they mentioned cover and concealment, they failed to explain the difference which could be death or at least a sucking chest wound.
It really looks like a video for sheep only. For someone who wanted to live, i would not shelter in place like those people, like a sitting duck.
More shelter in place bullshit, gotta love it. The only real useful tidbit from the video was "even in the best cases, police are often minutes, not seconds, away". And LOL at the warehouse scenario--in real life the black guy would've been gunned down by the cops--because the fire extinguisher clearly looks like a gun.
I'm a little confused. It says that since 2006 an active shooting involving 4 or more people takes places every 2.9 months or for a yearly total of just over 4 a year. Then it goes to say that on average 20 mass shootings take places every year in the US which would be 1.667 per month. Maybe it's early but these numbers just don't add up. And if, say the average is taken from a larger pool then it appears that mass shootings are going down, or they are changing their critieria as they see fit. Or maybe its just early and I need coffee.
I'm a little confused. It says that since 2006 an active shooting involving 4 or more people takes places every 2.9 months or for a yearly total of just over 4 a year. Then it goes to say that on average 20 mass shootings take places every year in the US which would be 1.667 per month. Maybe it's early but these numbers just don't add up. And if, say the average is taken from a larger pool then it appears that mass shootings are going down, or they are changing their critieria as they see fit. Or maybe its just early and I need coffee.

I would need to get access to the data to prove it but I believe they are including targeted gang shootings and drive-by's to get to this number or are simply fudging the "involved" to include people witnessing but not harmed. Reading the FBI active shooter study, it appears that a good number of the 160 cases cited do not "involve" 4 or more people killed or wounded.

FBI Study:

I believe they do mention the difference between concealment and cover but it is too quick to be effective only serving as a data point for those who already know
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I would need to get access to the data to prove it but I believe they are including targeted gang shootings and drive-by's to get to this number or are simply fudging the "involved" to include people witnessing but not harmed. Reading the FBI active shooter study, it appears that a good number of the 160 cases cited do not "involve" 4 or more people killed or wounded.

FBI Study:

I believe they do mention the difference between concealment and cover but it is too quick to be effective only serving as a data point for those who already know

Thanks for that study. I haven't read it yet. Will give it a read today.
I knew this was going to be bullshit with the opening scene. Guy caps his boss, two warehouse morons stand there and say.."hey, look!" BANG
I tool a training course in little rock last camp Robinson. The "welcome brief" PowerPoint instruction had a slide regarding weapons on base that stated the post commander allows personally owned fire arms on base provided they are unloaded and locked in your vehicle. No shit.......the very next slide was the "active shooter" cookie cutter slide about everyone hiding in a corner and locking the door and turning off the lights. .......the instructor stopped half way through the slide and said "yeah **** all that......if someone comes near here shooting........all u guys with the good stuff in your vehicle are gonna go get em.....nuf said about that bull shit". was a DOD school with about 80% prior service including the instructor.
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A Modern Survival Bag (tm) should include.... a S&W500 and and 350 grains of justice.

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