If you live in Massachusetts…………….Read on. If you don’t live in Massachusetts, go back to bed….Have a nice day!.....
We need your help…………….There is a bill winding its way through the statehouse that will open up the ability for us Massachusetts residents to purchase Target Pistols and Single Action Revolvers much easier………………….
H.4552, "an Act Protecting the Rights of Target Shooters," has passed the House of Representatives and is scheduled for a possible vote in the Senate next week. H.4552 is the "Precision Sports Legislative Reform Bill," which will protect the rights of target shooters in the Commonwealth. This bill, sponsored by Representative Frank Hynes (D-4, Plymouth), now has moved onto the Senate. This proposal would create a new definition in Section 121, Chapter 140, for "Single Action Revolver." In addition, H.4552 would exempt any "Single Action Revolver" and "any firearm solely designed and sold specifically for formal target shooting competition," from the testing requirements in Section 123 of Chapter 140. NRA-ILA and the Gun Owners Action League are urging all of their members to contact their state Senator and ask him or her to pass H.4552 with no amendments, as soon as possible. Legislators can be reached by calling (617) 722-1276. For further information concerning your State Senator, please go to http://wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.php and look at the reference for Senator in General Court.
I went here
and sent the following letter to everyone on the list that represents me and to a bunch of other politicians that don’t. The more emails they get, the more attention they will give it. If you know of other gun owners in Massachusetts that are not on this email list, please forward them this message. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. This is VERY important........
Here is a copy of the letter I sent………….You can simply copy and paste or modify it to your own liking. But send something! Be sure to include your name, address and a phone number……
I’m writing to urge you to support, in any way possible, H.4552, "an Act Protecting the Rights of Target Shooters," .
H.4552 is the "Precision Sports Legislative Reform Bill," which will protect the rights of target shooters and collectors in the Commonwealth. This bill, sponsored by Representative Frank Hynes (D-4, Plymouth), now has moved onto the Senate. This proposal would create a new definition in Section 121, Chapter 140, for "Single Action Revolver." In addition, H.4552 would exempt any "Single Action Revolver" and "any firearm solely designed and sold specifically for formal target shooting competition," from the testing requirements in Section 123 of Chapter 140.
The firearms that are referred to in this bill are only used for target competition and in the case of “single action revolvers”, collectors of old and antique firearms. There is zero record of these types of firearms ever being used in the commission of a crime.
Being a target shooter and a collector of “Old West” type firearms, the laws that were passed in 1998 severely limited my enjoyment of this hobby. Even California exempted these types of firearms when they enacted a version of Massachusetts gun ban.
I’m asking you to talk to your colleagues to convince them that this reform will in no way negatively effect Chapter 140.
I am available at any time to discuss this and any other firearm issues you might need a differing opinion on.
Thank You for Your Time……..
We need your help…………….There is a bill winding its way through the statehouse that will open up the ability for us Massachusetts residents to purchase Target Pistols and Single Action Revolvers much easier………………….
H.4552, "an Act Protecting the Rights of Target Shooters," has passed the House of Representatives and is scheduled for a possible vote in the Senate next week. H.4552 is the "Precision Sports Legislative Reform Bill," which will protect the rights of target shooters in the Commonwealth. This bill, sponsored by Representative Frank Hynes (D-4, Plymouth), now has moved onto the Senate. This proposal would create a new definition in Section 121, Chapter 140, for "Single Action Revolver." In addition, H.4552 would exempt any "Single Action Revolver" and "any firearm solely designed and sold specifically for formal target shooting competition," from the testing requirements in Section 123 of Chapter 140. NRA-ILA and the Gun Owners Action League are urging all of their members to contact their state Senator and ask him or her to pass H.4552 with no amendments, as soon as possible. Legislators can be reached by calling (617) 722-1276. For further information concerning your State Senator, please go to http://wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.php and look at the reference for Senator in General Court.
I went here
and sent the following letter to everyone on the list that represents me and to a bunch of other politicians that don’t. The more emails they get, the more attention they will give it. If you know of other gun owners in Massachusetts that are not on this email list, please forward them this message. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. This is VERY important........
Here is a copy of the letter I sent………….You can simply copy and paste or modify it to your own liking. But send something! Be sure to include your name, address and a phone number……
I’m writing to urge you to support, in any way possible, H.4552, "an Act Protecting the Rights of Target Shooters," .
H.4552 is the "Precision Sports Legislative Reform Bill," which will protect the rights of target shooters and collectors in the Commonwealth. This bill, sponsored by Representative Frank Hynes (D-4, Plymouth), now has moved onto the Senate. This proposal would create a new definition in Section 121, Chapter 140, for "Single Action Revolver." In addition, H.4552 would exempt any "Single Action Revolver" and "any firearm solely designed and sold specifically for formal target shooting competition," from the testing requirements in Section 123 of Chapter 140.
The firearms that are referred to in this bill are only used for target competition and in the case of “single action revolvers”, collectors of old and antique firearms. There is zero record of these types of firearms ever being used in the commission of a crime.
Being a target shooter and a collector of “Old West” type firearms, the laws that were passed in 1998 severely limited my enjoyment of this hobby. Even California exempted these types of firearms when they enacted a version of Massachusetts gun ban.
I’m asking you to talk to your colleagues to convince them that this reform will in no way negatively effect Chapter 140.
I am available at any time to discuss this and any other firearm issues you might need a differing opinion on.
Thank You for Your Time……..