I've been considering this purchase for a while and finally decided to go for it! Just picked up a new Bushmaster AR15- XM15 ES2 (A3 handle) with 2 preban 30 round mags from FS.
I diassembled and cleaned it just now and can't wait to try it out! I have some reading to do wrt sighting it, etc. A few questions for you guys if I can.
1) It was well lubed from the factory- does it like to be 'wet'?
2) Is dry firing ok? Manual required this for function check
Any other advice?
Oh... and why I can't disassemble the factory 10 round mag is beyond my understanding....
![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
1) It was well lubed from the factory- does it like to be 'wet'?
2) Is dry firing ok? Manual required this for function check
Any other advice?
Oh... and why I can't disassemble the factory 10 round mag is beyond my understanding....