Vermont matches

Apr 29, 2005
Casco ME.
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I don't know if everyone was aware that the Memorial day weekend matches in Vt. were cancelled a while back due to complaints of too much noise from the locals.

Well there back on, if you wish to attend and haven't been before, you'll need to contact Steve Lawler at [email protected] and request the registration forms.

The neighbors aren't exactly close. But then again, Tannerite gets really loud.

Thanks for the heads up. I've made it there the last 4 years, 2 in Eden, 2 in Morrisville.

Stolen from their website:

I think we're talking different matches, this one is in Jericho, in the past it has been- Sat. OTC, Sun. VT long range champoinship, Mon. Leg match.
Oops, I didn't even know they had matches at Jericho that weekend. And the do them on my employer's facility (Ethan Allen Firing Range).

That would be a High Power Match on the KD (known distance) Range.
Yeah, Scotty B and me are going for the full monty, all 3 days. I figure I'll start off my HP journey with a LEG match ( I'll help make someone look real good) :-). I shot the long range match there last year, nice set up, but the wind blew me away.

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