Vehicles at the Hanson MG Shoot


NES Member
Aug 24, 2005
RETIRED, at home or wherever I want to be
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Just got these pics of me and my Dad at the Hanson shoot. He was very pleased to see the armored vehicles there...especially the wheeled vehicle.

After he went ashore on DDay, he was captured and somehow managed to escape. The Free French smuggled him back towards the line and his last stop was in a church where he was hidden by the Nuns there. He said he was hiding under some pews when the Germans banged on the door, but the Nuns wouldn't let them in.

Somehow they managed to contact his outfit and a rubber tired vehicle like the one pictured came, picked him up and brought him back to his unit.

My Bro and I sent him and my mother back to France as a 50th wedding anniversary gift back in 1995. He took my mother over the route he travelled in 1944 and even showed her the church which was still there.

He hadn't seen one like it since and was really pleased to see this one.

He looks pretty good for 81, doesn't he?


Wow! What a story! Yes, he doesn't look 81. I honestly had to go back and forth on the first picture trying to decide who was him. Reading D-Day, I didn't think I was seeing him in the picture!
Great pics...Sorry if I was a little too busy to really talk at the shoot...

Bring him back next year, we are already working on getting addition vehicles/armor...hopefully my old dodge will finnally be painted and ready for next year...

Got any more pics...
Get a video camera or tape recorder and have your dad tell you the whole story of D-Day. Do it now -- he's not getting any younger.
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