utah coarse in southern ny

Not all instructors choose to be included in the on-line listings, but they're a good place to start. Check here.

BTW, unless something changes soon in Utah, it's going to become much more difficult to get the required training/certification within a year or two. Utah changed their rules for instructors last year, requiring all instructors to go out and buy a notary-type stamp to use on applications (no big deal at ~$20, but without any rational purpose). All new instructor applicants now have to take a special course, that thus far has only been offered in Salt Lake City. When our appointments expire, we're all supposed to take the same course in order to renew. They were talking about offering the course in out-of-state locations, but there's been absolutely no word on any, and I'm becoming increasingly skeptical, particularly since the licensing program is costing the agency a lot more than they're being funded to run it, while all the fees go straight into the general fund.

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