USPSA SHOTGUN @ New Bedford - Sunday 10/23

Dec 23, 2005
South Eastern Massachusetts
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
USPSA Shotgun match on Sunday 10/23 at the Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford.

5 Total stages of shotgun fun. 1 Stage of slugs (between 12-18 targets) and 4 stages that require the use of lead shot (each will have between 12-20 targets).

Shot size recommendations are: 7.5, 8, 8.5 or 9. Most will be using 7.5 and 8.

Approximate round count:
Slugs: 15
Shot: 75
You should always plan to bring more. It's recommended to bring twice as much as you think you'll need. It's easy to bring the extra home, but sucks to run out in the middle of a match.

Not allowed: steel and tungsten shot, buck shot or BB shot of any size.

Slug stage: traditional USPSA cardboard targets
Shot stages: steel poppers and plates, frangible targets (clays birds)

Three divisions:
HEAVY METAL (12 Ga Pump)

Shotgun rules can be found here:

All guns will need a chamber flag. If you do not have one, plastic zip ties will be provided during registration. Guns can only be uncased at the safe tables and must be carried unloaded with chamber flags in place. They may be carried vertically upward - OR - you can use a case. Regardless of carry method, all guns will be carried unloaded and with a chamber flag in place. Shotguns must be placed in the racks provided on each stage.

Safe gun handling must be maintained at all times.

Registration starts at 9am, shooters meeting at 9:25am and first caps at 9:30am.

Directions to the club and range:

We're always interested in new folks getting involved, both new shooters to the sport as well as people wanting to get involved in helping with the match. New shooters are always welcome.

If you are new to this game, please let us know during registration and when you get to your squad. Please asks lots of questions, don't assume anything. We will help you out as you go along.
I'll be there since Dave and the rest of the guys always does a great job on the USPSA/IDPA shoots. This will be my first shotgun match and it will be good to see how well I handle the pump shotgun :) I got two more California Competition Shot Shell holders today that I just mounted Tek-Loks on since I didn't like the belt clips they came with.
hubba hubba.

Just cleaned the shotgun earlier tonight. And yes, Dan, I changed the o-ring, cleared the gas ports, and made sure that the mag tube is squeaky clean and lubed. I expect it to run flawlessly.
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Time to bring this out of obscurity.
I hope Dave gets some new parties to come and try their hand at shotgun. A couple props from the match in Rhode Island will be there to mess with shooters heads.[smile]
Ugh, my shotgun didn't run for crap today, hopefully I can figure out what's up with it before tomorrow AM.
Mine didn't run well last week after I went around telling everyone how reliable it's been. Karma baby.

I think insufficient lubrication was my problem. I shot 90 rounds today without even a burp.
Thanks all Plymouth was out Wareham had the 15 round party packs , its my own fault waiting till last minute, hope it runs good tomorrow cross your fingers.
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