Traveling to MA for Training

Jun 25, 2006
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I will be traveling from CT to MA for some training the end of July. I hold a CCW permit in CT but nothing from MA. From what I have read it is OK from me to travel into the state to attend a show or demonstration, so I would assume that training would also be OK. Am I right in this assumption or should I ask for my money back and stay home?

I would have my gun (unloaded of course) and ammo locked in separate cases in the trunk of my car where I do not have access to them. My firearm will be a new Glock 23, are there any opinions about this as well.
Welcome to the forum and we hope you enjoy it here.

I know that we've covered it here before with posts by myself and Jim Conway, but I can't really find them to refer you to, regrettably.

Here's the crux of the matter:

NO-ONE without a MA LTC can bring handguns into MA unless FOPA (traveling thru, no unnecessary stops-shooting at the range isn't a necessary stop under MGL, legal at both ends, etc.) OR attending a gun show/competition (better have written proof that it is a competition).

MA AWB applies to ANYONE in MA with guns, Resident or NR shooting at a competition! Only FOPA (travel thru) allows "No Ban" guns/mags to transit MA legally.

Mag capacity is NOT the issue, proper LTC-A or gun show/competition allows ANYONE to possess hi-caps . . . BUT they better not have been mfd after 9/13/94 or it is a 10-year Felony/mag!

My last post in the following thread also has some relevant info:

Short and sweet: Your "training course" can be a "competition" if the trainer (or sponsor) provides you with the proper paperwork. Then you are covered under the exception for the G23 (but not for any post 9/13/94 hi-cap mags). No exception for the mags unless you are LE.

LenS said:
Mag capacity is NOT the issue, proper LTC-A or gun show/competition allows ANYONE to possess hi-caps . . . BUT they better not have been mfd after 9/13/94 or it is a 10-year Felony/mag!

Just wanted to reiterate this point: Your new G23 probably came with new hi-cap (more than 10rd) mags.

You will probably need to buy some 10rd mags for your training.

(and welcome to northeastshooters [wave] )
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