Trapping course coming up

Apr 26, 2007
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signed up with MassWildlife for notification of the next trapping course. Got the email today, figured I'd pass it on.

Course Information
Trapper Hunter Education Course
Location: Auburn Sportsmen's Club
Address: 50 Elm Street - AUBURN
Dates: August 27 & September 6, 2014
Times: 8/27 - 6:30PM-9PM; 9/6 - 8AM-5PM
i took the last class in april. awesome class. i would tell everyone to sign up.

Took the course a couple years ago.. It was a "multi-state" course covering requirements for other states.

In the practical part of the course we got to play with goodies that are not allowed for use in the nanny state..

The most memorable part of the class for me was bedding a padded jaw coyote trap, and then being asked to set it off on my bare hand. I was amazed that I didn't hardly feel it at more than a firm handshake that wouldn't let discomfort whatsoever.

The beaver skinning demo was cool too..

The part where we learned to set the Hancock and Bailey traps was to love a trap where it is "recommended" that the user where a hockey helmet and use a 2x4 to set it...

Oh yea, and don't screw around with a 330 conibear..

Worth the time for sure!!
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Took the class in the spring as well learned a lot. Malcolm the guy who teaches it is a wealth of knowledge .
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