To All Riverside GC members


NES Member
Apr 30, 2005
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0

Just thought you ought to know there will be some interesting issues brought up at the club meeting this coming Monday, Aug 21st. Raising of the yearly dues and adding an initiation fee are on the table. Not horrible ideas, if warranted. But I think the more members that are there to have an open discussion on their necessity, the better.

Taz, you don't have to be sponsored, but I'll sponsor you if you like. I've only been a member for 18 years.

Chuck, why not open a REAL can of worms and also move that we make the clubhouse bar non-smoking? [devil2]
My sources request to remain anonymous. ;-) But I am the maintainer of the YAHOO calendar and I do go to the club a couple of times a week. I just hear things, that's all.

Ross, as for the bar being non-smoking -- think more along the lines of closing it if it can't pay for itself. I've got no problem raising fees a reasonable amount due to rising costs of doing business. But not to prop up a money loser -- especially one that SHOULD be a profit maker.

Ross, as for the bar being non-smoking -- think more along the lines of closing it if it can't pay for itself. I've got no problem raising fees a reasonable amount due to rising costs of doing business. But not to prop up a money loser -- especially one that SHOULD be a profit maker.

I go to meetings once in a while, too... and I seem to recall that the income from the bar is more than the expenses. That is the definition of paying for itself, isn't it?
No smoking

Ross, that suggestion is a terribly bad idea, and i understand it was defeated
about 3 months ago.

The bar from what i am told is a money maker, making it non smoking
might be a real bad idea.

I don't smoke and seldom use the bar.

I'm sure there are a lot of archery and fishing activities there... but guns and booze just don't seem to be a very good combo IMO. [wink]

C'mon, guys, when you go to Riverside to shoot, after coming off the range, go to the bar, have some laughs, shoot pool, and drink Pepsi.

Who said that if you go to a gun club bar you gotta hoist a brew? That rule is only for bad-ass Marines and wannabes.
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Ross, that suggestion is a terribly bad idea, and i understand it was defeated
about 3 months ago.

The bar from what i am told is a money maker, making it non smoking
might be a real bad idea.

I don't smoke and seldom use the bar.


Must have been at a meeting when I wasn't there. I don't smoke and I don't use the bar. In fact, I rarely use the indoor range because you have to sign out the keys in the bar - and I dislike having to change my clothes and shower when I get home since I stink of the cigarette smoke that hangs like a pall in the bar.

If they had some decent ventilation, or the bartenders actually remembered to turn on the Smokeeters on a regular basis, it might be tolerable, but as it is, I effectively cannot use the bar.

And I KNOW that there are a lot of other members who feel that way because I've talked to them.
and I dislike having to change my clothes and shower when I get home since I stink of the cigarette smoke that hangs like a pall in the bar.

If they had some decent ventilation, or the bartenders actually remembered to turn on the Smokeeters on a regular basis, it might be tolerable, but as it is, I effectively cannot use the bar.

I'm not a member but am considering being one soon. I also HATE cigarette smoke... however I find it strange that a enjoy gun smoke. [wink]
Hey, the smell of burnt powder is the smell of freedom!

The smell of burnt cigarettes is the smell of addiction. Tell me, does anyone really LIKE cigarettes, or do they just smoke them because they can't quit? (I mean, pipe tobacco and cigars can be quite nice, but cigarettes are just plain nasty.)
I'm sure there are a lot of archery and fishing activities there... but guns and booze just don't seem to be a very good combo IMO. [wink]

BIG +1!!

Generaly the people that go to the bar only go there because they can smoke and drink (local town ordinance prevents that at the local pubs). So there are the shooters and the drinkers and they rarely mix.

But occasionally a heavily imbibed club member comes down to the range to watch and it make for a vary uncomfortable situation as they stumble around...

I'm pretty sure our club is pretty heavily subsidised by the bar, but I don't really like it.
Hey, the smell of burnt powder is the smell of freedom!

The smell of burnt cigarettes is the smell of addiction. Tell me, does anyone really LIKE cigarettes, or do they just smoke them because they can't quit? (I mean, pipe tobacco and cigars can be quite nice, but cigarettes are just plain nasty.)
Sorry, Ross, they're all nasty! Especially cigars.

I actually still enjoy the smell of a freshly match-lit cigarette, it reminds me of my parents back when I was little. But just that first scent. After that it's all downhill [wink]

As for quitting, if you've never smoked, then you'll never understand how it intertwines itself in your life. It's the social thing that was hardest to get rid of. When I quit (I smoked from the time I was 12 til I was 24) I had the hardest time in a restaurant after dinner. But I stuck to my guns and stayed away from them. I had a very easy time quitting, as I was in the hospital for a week and couldn't walk down to the smoking room. So, I took the opportunity to get rid of them - back when they were 75¢ a pack! I'd be broke nowadays if I smoked! [shocked]
Especially cigars.
I'd have agreed with you before I tried a cigar. But I'm afraid I'll like them TOO much, so I don't really smoke them with any regularity. (as in, years between them!)

As for quitting, if you've never smoked, then you'll never understand how it intertwines itself in your life. It's the social thing that was hardest to get rid of.
Heh. Why do you think I tried cigars? I tried one at a friend's urging at a conference - everyone at the table was lighting up the free cigars that the dinner's sponsoring vendor supplied.

My cow-orker is trying to quit - he hasn't had a cigarette since Monday EXCEPT for when he goes over to his friends' house in the evenings. They were all supposed to quit together, but his friends are having a hard time... and Keith winds up lighting up when he's there. So I understand a bit.

True story: a friend of mine was trying to shame his father into quitting smoking his pipe. So Mike goes out and buys a pipe and finds the most obnoxious blend of tobacco he can - I think it was either Cherry-Berry-Sherry or Jogger-Shoe Twist or something like that. He starts lighting up around his dad... and finds out, much to his chagrin, that he LIKES it. [smile]
I know in the past 6 years (my god, I've been on the board for 6 years now?) we've addressed the bar issue many many times. The fact is that the bar brings in a LOT of money. The pool and dart leagues as well as the large number of 'social' members (no range privleges) are quite an important revenue source.

The problem is that the original building wasn't set up right to fully split the activities and due to fire codes and such any divider would create problems. To really seperate the areas properly we really need a new addition added to the side of the building with a new entrance and bathroom facility. Unfortunately with the various range improvement projects scheduled and the continued rise in fuel and insurance costs, it's probably not going to happen.

As for the smoking issue, that's one that is near and dear to me as the smell makes me sick to my stomach and I avoid the bar because of it. However, research into the issue shows that making the bar smoke-free would turn away the majority of the people who use that facility and thus impact the revenue significantly.

Riverside tries very hard to offer a facility that can meet a lot of different needs. Everything from large party facilities to Boyscout merit weekends to Specialty fishing derbys for the disabled to high quality public and law enforcement training to even Olympic level coaching are offered on a regular basis. I'm amazed at just how much we CAN offer given the limited facilites.

To offer all this and really only have minor issues with the bar and smoking is an amazing thing.
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