To: All Mass glock owners or anyone that wants to help us

From what I have heard from a few "reliable" sources, Glock has no plans to get back into the Ma market since they got screwed a few years ago.

As I posted on GT, the AG's "requirements" are a "moving target" and no mfr in their right mind (without the BEST political connections in MA) wants to deal with that.

Glock is right in writing off MA until we get some sanity in the executive offices (not likely to happen any time soon).
C-pher said:
I'm with the don't sell in MA thing. Screw it was said...and I hate to say it...but the more that companies bow to our regulations, the more that it vilifies the AGs asinine "laws." And I use that word loosely.

Problem is the AG would be just fine with more companies not selling
guns here. That doesn't really accomplish much.

Now maybe a full out boycott of ALL -MA- sales, including LE, that might
turn some heads. But you'd have to get more than just glock to
do it. If S+W did it..... that would really turn some heads, but I think that
S+W has the AG in their pocket in MA.

I think Glock isnt going to bother, because it is readily apparent the AG has
some sort of vendetta against them. There is NO REASON why their
last attempt at compliance was unacceptable. Beretta and others
have used the paint on the extractor, and that was otherwise fine for
the AG then, why cant glock do it now? It's because he just doesnt
want them selling guns here to consumers for some reason. I would
almost guarantee that he would try something snarky the next time
around, even if they drilled a cut in the chamber hood.

Folks here are showing a basic lack of knowledge of how LE sales are done.

Per Fed Law, LE agencies can order DIRECT from ANYONE, ANYWHERE in the US (and perhaps even import as well, never checked that out).

Getting EVERY distributor, mfr, dealer in all 50 states to ban all sales within MA isn't even possible . . . you'd have better luck herding cats! [Ever heard of the "profit motive"? ALL businesspeople are not going to slit their economic throats in unison, ever!]

Dream on!
LenS said:
See my response to that in the GT thread.

Very interesting points. However.. did Sig cave by providing the "Ma**h***" indicator? I wish we knew their reasoning/prespectives.

Either way I can understand Glocks perspective currently.... no guarantees doesn't not justify an investment.
It's not an investment if they got vibes from the AG that he'd pull some other crap on them.

If you read the GT OP, he says/implies that the AG was looking for a visible indicator from BOTH SIDES! I know that none of the "extractor flags" are visible on both sides, which would tend to prove that the AG has a hard-on for Glock. Like your local chief using "discretion in determining suitability", the AG can and does the same! [rolleyes]

[Note: OP posted that thread in the Glocking and Cop Talk forums so it might be stated in one place and not the other.]
LenS said:
Folks here are showing a basic lack of knowledge of how LE sales are done.

Per Fed Law, LE agencies can order DIRECT from ANYONE, ANYWHERE in the US (and perhaps even import as well, never checked that out).

Getting EVERY distributor, mfr, dealer in all 50 states to ban all sales within MA isn't even possible . . . you'd have better luck herding cats! [Ever heard of the "profit motive"? ALL businesspeople are not going to slit their economic throats in unison, ever!]

Dream on!

Barrett does it to PDRK, why not Glock to PRM? Sure, some will slip through, but the word will be out.
Ronnie Barrett has a small company, low production numbers and can easily control his distribution, parts and repair business.

Glock is too big, production numbers too high, too many certified armorers to pull the plug on one state and make it stick.
LenS said:
If you read the GT OP, he says/implies that the AG was looking for a visible indicator from BOTH SIDES! I know that none of the "extractor flags" are visible on both sides, which would tend to prove that the AG has a hard-on for Glock. Like your local chief using "discretion in determining suitability", the AG can and does the same! [rolleyes]

[Note: OP posted that thread in the Glocking and Cop Talk forums so it might be stated in one place and not the other.]

Yes. I was wondering about that as well wrt the Sig. Politics at its worst. I guess the only thing that is unclear (not that it matters) is why does the AG have it our for Glock and not Sig, etc.
LenS said:
Folks here are showing a basic lack of knowledge of how LE sales are done.

Per Fed Law, LE agencies can order DIRECT from ANYONE, ANYWHERE in the US (and perhaps even import as well, never checked that out).

Getting EVERY distributor, mfr, dealer in all 50 states to ban all sales within MA isn't even possible . . . you'd have better luck herding cats! [Ever heard of the "profit motive"? ALL businesspeople are not going to slit their economic throats in unison, ever!]

Dream on!
Len, ya got a good point. Besides, I wouldn't be comfortable knowing my local LE was disarmed.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's much hope for this c-wealth. In my opinion, there's only two ways to deal with the problems we face here: Vote the f***nuts out, or move. For me, I believe the latter will come sooner than the former. Though I'd like to think we have some chance at voting folks with common sense into office, we have a problem with the incumbent factor, the sheeple, and those who will vote democrat merely because their foolish asses did so the last time they were in the voting booth.

Beyond our group of libertarians, republicans, and unenrolled, there is a group of folks who would vote for the common sense candidate if this group of folks were re-educated. I moved here a democrat, not a left-wing, rabid-ass, crazy dog, but I tended to lean in the liberal direction. A few years of the KKK, Mumbles, and gettin' to know the good folks here at NES though, and I tell ya, I was ready to move to Ruby Ridge. Now if I could change, so can others. But, I think it will take a gargantuan grass-roots effort to reach the majority of those voters and convince them to go out and vote for the common sense candidate; but, even then, I don't know that there would be enough of us to sway things in the direction of common sense. Frankly, I don't see it happening.

I don't mean to sound glum and raise the flag of doom; but think about when the last time it was you saw C. Mihos picture in the news or on TV. Maybe he's learned from Reilly's keystone kandidate kampaign, which has shown him in a negative light a few times, that laying low should be the best course of action. But in laying low, his name is not out there; and it's getting to be a little late in the game to be hiding under the shrubbery. Folks are going to go to the polls, see Reilly's name, say to themselves "I can't remember what it was about, but I've heard this guy's name," and pull the f***in' Reilly lever.

Did I mention that I don't think there's much hope for this c-wealth! Time for me to go locate my suitcase.
Lugnut said:
Yes. I was wondering about that as well wrt the Sig. Politics at its worst. I guess the only thing that is unclear (not that it matters) is why does the AG have it our for Glock and not Sig, etc.

Glock has lots of references in drug/gang/rap subculture, etc. I'd bet his
"urban elitist a**h***" streak wants to minimize the proliferation of such
things. (EG, him or his anti gun mafia friends carry around the notional
that "glocks" are riffraff that they dont want around themm at all, regardless
of who owns them... ). They (wrongly) must think that thugs will not
use some brand of gun if they can't get their hands on the original "GAT".

Another "liberal whiner" type of issue is that as far as glocks are
concerned, large capacity magazines are relatively easy to obtain
for them. Even in free states, its always easier to get glock mags
than any other pistol magazine.

Also, stopping glock ends up locking out another manufacturer of viable subcompact handguns. There arent that many guns availiable NEW in MA, in that size class. You can tell this state is screwed up when a Seecamp .32 is the only small semiauto availiable. I'd bet reilly would have a coronary
if someone started selling Kel-Tecs here. :)

JonJ said:
He tried one?[devil]
Sorry, couldn't resist.

+1 on that.

what is the difference with the new Glocks as different to the old ones?
Seems only that one might want a compact version. or a 45.
Old Glocks are probably in high supply everywhere in Massachusetts. Why not just cut one down?
boomerang said:
+1 on that.

what is the difference with the new Glocks as different to the old ones?

They're new. For CCW I'd like to know for sure that it hasn't been dinked with. Plus new is nice. Plus most of the new 3rd Gen have the finger grips (which I personally like). I think Baby Glocks had the finger grips on the Gen 2.
LenS said:
Ronnie Barrett has a small company, low production numbers and can easily control his distribution, parts and repair business.

Glock is too big, production numbers too high, too many certified armorers to pull the plug on one state and make it stick.
Let's be realistic for a moment.

Suppose for a moment Glock adopted an official "No police agencies in MA" policy for sales and armorer's certification (the later is something they could enforce, since Glock is the only entity offering factory certification).

This would hurt their sales to police agencies across the nation, since:

1) Police agencies tend to feel more kinship with each other than with MA gun owners.

2) Glock would be seen as an unreliable supplier, since continued supply and support would be implicitly conditional upon the political action within that state.
drgrant said:
Glock has lots of references in drug/gang/rap subculture, etc.

That makes as much sense as a football bat. Does that mean everytime a rapper sings about his "pimped out beamer" we need to start banning sales of BMW's? Cars are deadly weapons too! I remember back in the 80's everyone thought I was a drug dealer because I had a pager. You can't generalize based on music lyrics, otherwise every little kid that sings "Puff The Magic Dragon" would be looked at as a pothead! When are these ma**h*** liberals gonna get that through their heads?
rapture said:
That makes as much sense as a football bat. Does that mean everytime a rapper sings about his "pimped out beamer" we need to start banning sales of BMW's? Cars are deadly weapons too! I remember back in the 80's everyone thought I was a drug dealer because I had a pager. You can't generalize based on music lyrics, otherwise every little kid that sings "Puff The Magic Dragon" would be looked at as a pothead! When are these ma**h*** liberals gonna get that through their heads?

I never said it made sense. It's just that type of mindset that flamingly
liberal authoritarian asshats like Reilly, Barrios, and Cheryl Jacques and the
rest of their ilk will use. Mind you, he's never come out and said anything
like that, but the bulls*it "motives" they use internally to justify their actions
are pretty easy to see.

drgrant said:
I never said it made sense. It's just that type of mindset that flamingly
liberal authoritarian asshats like Reilly, Barrios, and Cheryl Jacques and the
rest of their ilk will use. Mind you, he's never come out and said anything
like that, but the bulls*it "motives" they use internally to justify their actions
are pretty easy to see.


Sorry Mike, I didn't intend to direct towards you at all. I was just standing on my soap box. Didn't mean to offend.
Why can't glock just add the hole on top of the barrell like Sig?

Yes, the hole is useless and anyone that relies on it should not handle firearms and probably has 'left' and 'right' written on their shoes in large print, but if Sig can drill a hole and sell in Mass, why can't Glock?

I agree that it's caving to the AG, yada, yada, yada, but I'd like to buy a G27 for under $900 and even send my G19 in for a new frame since the mag. well is cracked.
Another_David said:
Why can't glock just add the hole on top of the barrell like Sig?

1) Have the architect re-design the blueprint for the gun
2) Retool the factory to accomidate the new design
3) Reprint all the factory manuals descibing the new feature

I'm sure that there are many more steps involved, but all this so that they might be able to sell guns in MA? The costs involved are not equal to what the projected sales would amount to. This is a business. Like all businesses they're primary function is to make money. It's too risky to spend all that money on a maybe. Even if they do all this, what's to stop the AG from coming up with another nitwit reason for why they should be banned?
glocks in MA

I read this and the posts in GT, i agree that Glock should not make
changes to satisfy Ma. regs. BUT, its strictly a business decision for
Glock to make.

Sewveral suggestions make a lot of sense.. Vote out the idiots that
make these decisions... One suggestion was "don't vote for Ted Kennedy"
who ran against him last time. As for Tom Reily, he has conviced me that
he's a completely incompetent after the decisions he has made in his
campaiagn in the last 4 months (need i remind you).

Suggestion no. 2, move out of this state. For a lot of reasons
and this one included i am giving some strong considerations to this

The other idiot is Mennino with his gun buy back program. Yes i do see
guns being recovered, but i am almost certain that if a "criminal" has
a gun (tool of his trade) he's not gonna turn it in, they're just having
a good laugh. THIS program is a cover up to inept capabilities of the
Boston beauracracy to actually solve crimes and stop violence.

Keep in mind that H4552 is held up, almost bet some backroom
politics is doing this. Also recall a vote of 38-0. This bill should
be on the books now, not lingering.... anyone want to bet that Reily
or Menino are concered about the problems in Boston and don't want any
gun legislation passed, that would be a negative for them.

Our best bet is to get rid of these idiots, including Martha Coakley.

Thanks for listening...

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