tiny gun?

Looks like it would irritate someone, rather then kill them. How could you aim that thing to hit someone in the eye? Why not smuggle a snake on a plane instead. It definitely will not satisfy someones unconscious freudian urges.
Who is gonna be afraid of that ? ! Yeesh. [thinking] Ya'd think it shoots teflon coated nuclear warheads from their reaction !

I wanna see it side by side with a S&W.500.
I'm sure it could kill if fired in the place, just like any other gun. Through the eye into the brain maybe, or maybe the temple or if you're lucky and hit a vital blood vessel.

But compared to the other things that were on that page that someone linked, I think they have bigger weapons to worry about.
Well, since it won't be imported to the US, we here at NES will rely on JuergenG to buy the 2" Python replica, and give us a range report...We look forward to the results! [smile]
Unfortunately I couldn't buy that toy:
Too young for my collector's permit; barrel length below
3" banned for sport shooters except PPC 1500 Off Duty
Match; center fire caliber smaller than .25 again banned
from sport shooting.

We gotta get a Swiss member for that trial.
DAMMIT! I tried [sad2] Anybody know any Swiss folks that can give this baby a shot? It appears as though Canadians could purchase this baby as well. Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?
Scary stuff, and I'm not talking about the gun.

In the age old debate of .22LR vs. .45 vs. 9MM vs. 2.34MM, I think the is the one round I would finally volunteer to be shot with. In the chest of course.
Who is gonna be afraid of that ? ! Yeesh. [thinking] Ya'd think it shoots teflon coated nuclear warheads from their reaction !

I wanna see it side by side with a S&W.500.

Skrew that! I wanna stuff it into one of the .500 CHAMBERS [smile]

The price and the size and power of the projectile, you can do a HELL of a lot more damage with a knitting needle [rolleyes]

But "Guns are Scary"


-Weer'd Beard
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