Thoughts on the Sig 716i?

Oct 1, 2010
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I am new to the 308 AR and have been looking at the Sig 716 with DI.
Any thoughts on if this is a good / bad place to start?

I know they have a lot of proprietary parts, but I do not plan on doing many upgrades. It will probably be a just-in-case gun that only gets used occasionally.
I am new to the 308 AR
first thing about ar10 is that it is NOT as standardized as AR15. so when you start working on your collection, take to account what version you will get and what level of interchangeability you will have across your builds. certain brands may/will not mix with anything well parts wise.

therefore the most simplistic way to make sure that all your ar10s will not become unicorns - go with aero m5 lower, m5e1 upper and aero bolt - this way it will all fit, and the chamber spacing wise you will not have any gotchas. and you do NOT want that sort of gotchas, and if you decide to mix brands there - make sure you have space gauges and learn how to use them.

Sig 716 lowers from what i know are proprietary and only work with sig uppers and for that reason have 0 value to me. i have settled now on 3 ar10s, all interchangeable, may get more, may sell some, who knows, but they are all a singular platform, so all parts and spares are same. only unicorn i own now is a ruger sfar, as it is just good at what it is - a lightweight .308 in ar15 form factor.
The price on the SIG is what is killing me right now. They are going for the mid 12's.
Yeah, but consider how much you'll throw at it to try and get it as accurate as you would like. Not a lot of parts work with them either. My DD5 shoots far better than I can, and I've done nothing to it but a 50% off Vortex optic and a bipod. I'll throw a LaRue MDT in it for $100 and I'll never have to touch anything. It's a true sub MOA gun, and I would personally say sub .5 MOA but I'm not good enough of a shot to get sub .5MOA consistently. 2 groups in one day was my record.
A 716DMR is e extremely accurate out of the box. They use hammer forged barrels. It'll be more accurate than you.
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