This was too funny..

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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I came across this. I just had to share.

NOT Funny! [twisted] :D [twisted]

I never really liked donuts anyway, even when I was in uniform (as a PT PO). In fact I never ate a donut in uniform during my 18 years on the job (I also only weighed ~140-150 during most of those years . . . now I'm 40# heavier but from good food [lol] ). We also didn't have any DD in our town then (now we have 1 and a second planned).
Actually, the officer kinda reminds me of a couple of the local town cops from the next town east of my home. Also, the guy is WAY TOO SKINNY to be a cop in the town north of where I work. Their SGT has to be about 300 pounds by now. I'm 245, and he makes me look like Don Knotts for crying out loud. We're both 5'9" to 5'10".

Now, Len, you really have to laugh, since it obviously DOESN'T apply to you, or most LEOs, just the fat, dumb, lazy ones (probably about 2 to 5% of all LEOs).
LenS said:
NOT Funny! [twisted] :D [twisted]

I never really liked donuts anyway, even when I was in uniform (as a PT PO). In fact I never ate a donut in uniform during my 18 years on the job.

Len, then you obviously never served on Norwood PD. This is not bashing them, but if you want a Norwood cop, all you have to do is hit the Dunkin' Donuts about 2 blocks off of the town common (I forget the name of the road - it's been 17 years!). There was a cruiser in the lot with a uniform in the shop EVERY time I went past. Well... at least, when I lived there... in 1987. They may well have changed - I hope so, anyway!


This time I was pulling your chain!

Yes it is funny, and it does resemble some LEOs that I worked with years ago. Now they have to stay in physical shape due to requirements for annual re-cert at the academy in MA. This is a good thing, but relatively recent requirement.
In the town north of my workplace, the way to outrun the cops in a car chase, is to get out and run cross country. They won't follow you over 50 feet.

Now the state cops up here, you don't screw with. Not on a bet. I haven't seen a fat one, yet, and most are really tall.
I don't see the Haverhill PD in the DD's by me all that often...Groveland, however, is over there a lot. (It's just over the bridge so they scoot over, hit DD's, then run home).
When I first lived in LA, we were about 50 yards from th West LA police station, the one you saw all the time during the OJ Simpson trial. About a quarter mile down Santa Monica Blvd was a place called Arlene's that was rated as having the best donuts in LA. It was on a sort of twisted intersection that would have been more at home here than is California, except that there were several traffic lights one had to navigate to get from our place (or the police station) to Arlene's. One of our favorite jokes was driving down there late at night and having a cruiser approach the intersection, turn on his red lights, and simply drive through the traffic signals into Arlene's parking lot. Used to see it at least every couple of weeks.

You know Mrs WW, that can work to your advantage. All I have to do is talk to my area Fire or Rescue services directly, and tell them who I am and my neighbors business, they'll know exactly where to go to. I have seen a local rescue squad lost within 2 blocks of their station (in Bristol, VT, no less). I did my fingerprints at Vergennes PD for my CCW application, and found out the Chief there knows my father, and who exactly I am. Nothing bad, but then, I remembered they used to get their service ammo from him, and would remember.
It's not a bad thing,Alan didn't like it much though. Since Glenn's dad was police chief many moons ago,it either works for us or against us. They either loved his dad or hated him.
dwarven1 said:
LenS said:
NOT Funny! [twisted] :D [twisted]

I never really liked donuts anyway, even when I was in uniform (as a PT PO). In fact I never ate a donut in uniform during my 18 years on the job.

Len, then you obviously never served on Norwood PD. This is not bashing them, but if you want a Norwood cop, all you have to do is hit the Dunkin' Donuts about 2 blocks off of the town common (I forget the name of the road - it's been 17 years!). There was a cruiser in the lot with a uniform in the shop EVERY time I went past. Well... at least, when I lived there... in 1987. They may well have changed - I hope so, anyway!

that may be because the police station is the bldg right next to dunks
One of the moments I wished I had a camera with me was a few years back. There's this home made donut place in Somerville near 93 and 16. One night I was passing by it while there were about 6 cop cars parked in front. My sister was driving and she started to slow down- everyone in the car just busted out laughing hysterically. No comments necessary, we all just saw it and realized how freakin' funny it was...
dwarven1 said:
LenS said:
NOT Funny! [twisted] :D [twisted]

I never really liked donuts anyway, even when I was in uniform (as a PT PO). In fact I never ate a donut in uniform during my 18 years on the job.

Len, then you obviously never served on Norwood PD. This is not bashing them, but if you want a Norwood cop, all you have to do is hit the Dunkin' Donuts about 2 blocks off of the town common (I forget the name of the road - it's been 17 years!). There was a cruiser in the lot with a uniform in the shop EVERY time I went past. Well... at least, when I lived there... in 1987. They may well have changed - I hope so, anyway!


Norwood PD only has changed locations . . . now they are at the DD on US-1 near Pier 1 and Bldg 19.

I used to meet up with a friend (former Boston Muni Cop) occasionally ~11PM at the Norwood US-1 DD (strictly for coffee . . . he works security for Rodman's properties in the evenings, roving between buildings) and cruisers would pour in from Walpole, Norwood, Sharon, etc. about that time of night.

I used to work with a cop that transferred to Norwood. He had a police dog that he personally paid for and trained.
swatmedic said:
that may be because the police station is the bldg right next to dunks

With a well worn path between DD and Norwood PD! [lol]

I commented to that effect when we (a Norwood Constable and I) stopped there to pick up coffee for 3, then head over to Norwood PD to pick up an officer to go with us to arrest a deadbeat dad. [The guy was "known to them" and Norwood PD requested permission to join us (to keep the peace) as we attempted to arrest him.]
LenS said:
Yes it is funny, and it does resemble some LEOs that I worked with years ago. Now they have to stay in physical shape due to requirements for annual re-cert at the academy in MA. This is a good thing, but relatively recent requirement.

The requirement is there but where I work, the town does not have the funding to enforce the requirement. It means nothing.
Like random drug testing, I tease my wife all the time. She's a CDL holder (school bus) and is subject to the testing. I'm a cop and I'm not! The town doesn't want to go down that road. It'll cost them too much to get it into our collective bargaining agreements.
C-pher said:
I would love to be onsite if someone were to say that to an officer when they were pulled over.

Got stopped last year and my 16 yr old son did say that from the back seat. Lucky for me, I work with the guy. He now has my permission to stop and harass the little wise ass any chance he gets!
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