This sort of stuff never happened in Girl Scouts

At least the Senate voted to support them for a change. Shock it was 98-0. Liberals voted to help the Scouts? Good thing I was sitting down when I heard it.

This will certainly be an event they'll long remember. You're right, SR - poor kids.
No, this isn't summer camp that they're talking about, but the national Jamboree. Jamboree is every 4 years, with attendance running well over 60K kids. Local councils run summer camps every year, usually with a couple hundred kids at a time. That difference in scale makes it a whole different ball game, like comparing a Saturday morning match at your club with Camp Perry or the Grand National.

Yea, I wasn't comparing our camps to the Jamboree. Yet our camp were the oldest and largest camps in the Scouts. Camp Miakonda.

I was just saying that we had camps every year...and things like this never happened. And I don't remember things like these happening at Jamboree's either. But then I haven't been part of the scouts for about 18 years.
Cross-X said:
Not to pee on their campfire needlessly, but doesn't Be Prepared mean having the good sense not to try to set up a large tent under a low hanging power line?

That's something that instantly crossed my mind. I guess today's scout leaders aren't expected to have the common sense of a well trained scout?? :?
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