This made me sick

Apr 7, 2006
New England
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Protesters face off at Kentucky. GI's funeral

LONDON, KY: Demonstrators squared off Saturday outside a funeral home where a service was being held for a solider, the first such scene in Kentucky
since a judge suspended a state law that required a 300-foot buffer zone for
protests at military funerals.

Dozens of demonstrators surrounded London Funeral Home, waved American flags and exchanged shouts for more than an hour before the service with members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., which tours the country protesting at military funerals. Church members held signs across the
street that read, "America is doomed," "Thank God for 9/11," and "Thank God
for dead soldiers."

The family of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Jason Jones had invited a half-dozen
groups to wave full-size American flags, express their support of U.S.
soldiers and honor Jones after hearing about the church's plans to protest
the funeral, according to military officials.

More than 200 mourners, including Gov. Ernie Fletcher, filled the chapel to
pay tribute to the 29-year-old Kentucky National Guardsman, who was found
dead in his quarters in Iraq on Sept. 20 from causes not related to combat.
The military is investigating the death.

Little was said of the demonstration during the funeral, though the Rev.
Charles Taylor told mourners that the presence of the Westboro protesters
was "a dishonor." "I feel sorry for them," he said, adding, "I appreciate
the folks holding the flags."

Last week, U.S. District Judge Karen Caldwell wrote that the state law could
restrict the free speech rights of people in nearby homes, sidewalks and
streets, even if they cannot be seen or heard by funeral participants.

The law, passed this year, was aimed at members of the Kansas church, which claims the soldiers' deaths are a sign of God punishing America "for
tolerating homosexuality." -- Source: Associated Press, Sat Sep 30, 4:16 PM
free speach and freedom of expression.....if the graveyard is private you could keep them out of there but not on a public street. Still disgusting not respecting a funeral. But, it's not my choice...
Church members held signs across the
street that read, "America is doomed," "Thank God for 9/11," and "Thank God
for dead soldiers."

I can't comprehend how you can live in this country and say or feel things like this.

The law, passed this year, was aimed at members of the Kansas church, which claims the soldiers' deaths are a sign of God punishing America "for
tolerating homosexuality." -- Source: Associated Press, Sat Sep 30, 4:16 PM

WHAT THE FU*K IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?! [angry] [angry] [angry]
Church members held signs across the
street that read, "America is doomed," "Thank God for 9/11," and "Thank God
for dead soldiers."

Not related to a soldier's funeral but a friend of my wife is a born again christian and she something like that to my wife just after 9/11. Keep in mind we might have been a bit more sensative at the time because my wife miscarried at 26 weeks and two of her firns/co-workers were killed on one of the planes.

This chic was praising the attacks saying she wished she was there because she would get to walk with Jesus sooner...How freakin' crazy is that????

My wife is upset and decides she doesn't want to talk to her anymore. So I guess the woman realized what she had said and called many month's later.

Her timing is was a few weeks after our first daughter was born....My wife tore her a new a-hole because of her radical views on religion and death.....we don't talk to her anymore.

You can believe what you want in this country but others don't have to swallow it...That's my "CHOICE"....

Sorry about the off topic...but it was a radical christian view i was exposing....
That whole whackbag Phelps family is in desperate need of a bus crash off the side of cliff.
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