Glenn reminded me of this he concidered posting it,but figured I wouldn't like it,eh,what does he know.
We had just moved into an apartment, we had been using Glenn's fathers truck. He returned the truck but forgot to leave the keys. Well it's 1am my 3 year old is sleeping upstairs and there is a knock on the front door. Now our phone isn't hooked up yet either. I was deciding on grabbing the kid and going out the back door, or grabbing the shotgun. With in those few seconds of deciding Glenn came in the back door, and finally the person at the front announced he was LEO, Glenn's dad had called them to come to the house and to let us know we had to drop the keys off. Joys of Glenn's dad having been police chief. As Glenn would say he didn't know how lucky he was. When Glenn walked in though I was going for the shotgun.