The Sheeple

Aug 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL (AKA a free state)
Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0
If I had one wish it would be simple.

To have a vast majority of Americans who think if we pull out of Iraq everything will clear up (and sadly that is what some people are telling me), and that fundelmentalist muslims will leave us alone, to be transported into what will happen.

If they are gay (which many are since they think the Dems are looking out for them) will be put to death. Homosexuality is a big sin in Islam if I remember right.

If they are Feminists they would be put to death as they try and drive their car (illegal in most islamic countries), or severely reprimanded if they venture outside without a male family member, not wear their Haifa, not do as told by a man. (I mean, could you see how Hillary would react if a man told her to shut up and she had to or she was breaking the law?).

If they are politcally active they could very well be beaten, and possibly to death, for even thinking of soemthing that is contrary to Islamic Law?

If one is an atheist they can be put to death as a true infidel.

If one is a member of another faith you will pay taxes just to be allowed to worship, and still be subject to death if a Muslim wants to kill you.

It will never happen but the thought of what they should do and what they will do are going to be two different things.

Should do is know that this will only end when fundemental Islam is eradicated or we are and its in our best interests to make it them.

What they will do is be all gung ho about it for the first few months then grow complacent because nothing happened here and its just a false alarm.

Like any American they only understand and care for one thing, and one thing only, themselves. If you want to educate a moonbat you have to find outt about them and drive home this fact that the 'Jihad' wont end til the west is under Islamic Law (and there is a rabid Muslim saying this on Canadian TV too).

I am rambling and I apologize for it. Just irks me to see people act and think like a zombie.

Wait, I'm sorry

Zombies I feel would be able to put 2+2 and get 4 at least. Some of these people put 2+2 and get apple. Thats how far off base some people are in reality.
Saddam Hussein did a much better job of supressing the Islamic Fundamentalists than we have done. Instead of hanging him, they ought to hire him back in charge of internal security. I'd love to see the expressions on the faces of the Shiites then.
Saddam Hussein did a much better job of supressing the Islamic Fundamentalists than we have done. Instead of hanging him, they ought to hire him back in charge of internal security. I'd love to see the expressions on the faces of the Shiites then.

Yep, I agree. The one thing that humans understand the world over is fear and Saddam had those guys scared shitless.

On the other hand, had the country revolted and overthrew Saddam on their own, their next step to "freedom" would most likely be where they are now.

Either way, Saddam just might prove to have been a necessary evil.
Saddam Hussein did a much better job of supressing the Islamic Fundamentalists than we have done. Instead of hanging him, they ought to hire him back in charge of internal security. I'd love to see the expressions on the faces of the Shiites then.

Yeah. Clean him up, apologize for the kids, and hand him back the keys to the place.
Looking into my crystal ball I see the United (Democratic) States declaring defeat in Iraq and brining our troops home.
Looking into my crystal ball I see the United (Democratic) States declaring defeat in Iraq and brining our troops home.

You know I just don't understand this idea that we need victory in Iraq, or that if we leave it is a defeat. We won the freakin war. We had tanks rolling in Baghdad before they knew what hit them. What we haven't been able to do is force our style of government on Iraq. The problem in Iraq is religous hatred and intolerence--the Sunnis and the Shities at war with one another. We aren't going to be able to fix that--not with democracy anyway.

We went in to Iraq to get the WMDs so that terrorists couldn't use them on us. Done. Victory. Good job. The only thing we haven't done is achieve the Bush Administration's political goals for Iraq (goals that were established after we learned there were no WMDs in Iraq).

Our soldiers are soldiers, not LEOs. They don't belong in Iraq now.
You know I just don't understand this idea that we need victory in Iraq, or that if we leave it is a defeat. We won the freakin war. We had tanks rolling in Baghdad before they knew what hit them. What we haven't been able to do is force our style of government on Iraq. The problem in Iraq is religous hatred and intolerence--the Sunnis and the Shities at war with one another. We aren't going to be able to fix that--not with democracy anyway.

We went in to Iraq to get the WMDs so that terrorists couldn't use them on us. Done. Victory. Good job. The only thing we haven't done is achieve the Bush Administration's political goals for Iraq (goals that were established after we learned there were no WMDs in Iraq).

Our soldiers are soldiers, not LEOs. They don't belong in Iraq now.

The lack of depth of your thinking and analysis just leaves me speechless.
Instead of attacking my intellect, perhaps a better response would be to say something like: "I couldn't disagree with you more." And maybe even offer a few counterpoints. Otherwise your post could be seen as simply a flame that adds nothing to the discussion. JMHO
Since you were looking for this response you are going to get it: I couldn't disagree with ALL of you more.

Frankly I have been against the Iraq war right from the very beginning - for multiple reasons. Reason #1 is that I thought then and I still think now that we will lose this "war" militarily and it will not solve the whole Islamofascism problem that we set out to solve. Depressingly this appears to be coming true. This is not an indictment of our military but sometimes a shit situation is just a shit situation.

Reason#2 is because going to war against Iraq is not solving the real problem - in fact it disguises the real problem and makes people think that something is being done when the reality is that we are just making the problem worse.

If we really wanted to defeat the Muslim terrorists we would do the following:

1) Remove the sources of their money. This seems so basic to me that I can't believe we continue to send foreign aid to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, that we continue to buy our oil from the Mideast, that we continue to allow countries from the Mideast to invest in the US. As soon as Sept 11 occurred we should have instituted a crash program to wean the US from any dependency on Mideast oil. We then should have stopped all foreign aid to any country that has even marginal support for Muslim terrorists. The reality of the money is that you can only track it so far. If Achmed works down at the local Saudi oil refinery and his other two brothers are doing Jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan you will never trace the money he sends them to buy more AK rounds. You need to remove the money from the whole of their economy and make the societies as a whole really pay for the philosophies that they support. Furthermore removing any and all financial support is much more moral - and costs us less in the long run - than going to war and killing tens of thousands of people. Would you continue to employ a father who had kids that constantly beat up your child and then killed one of your children? Would you believe the excuses when he said that he tries to control them but he cannot? Once your child was dead would you care? Most people probably would not - but when we send money into the Mideast and other Muslim countries we tacitly support the terrorism that emanates from those societies.

2) Leave Saddam in power - he was much more of an enemy of the whole Islamic movement than anybody else in that region. The Baath party is a secular political party - not a religious Muslim one. Saddam killed millions of Iranians (and Iraqis too) during the Iran-Iraq war. Given sufficient oil revenue and us standing out of the way he would have gone up against the Iranians again - and probably Saudi Arabia too - which is where our real problems come from. The downside of this is that Saddam himself over time would have been a problem - would he be as big of a problem as the Islamo fascists? Who knows - as soon as we invaded Iraq we inherited the shit puddle that is that country under the ' you broke it you bought it ' rule. At the very least we would have been better off containing Saddam and letting him deal with his own country and act as a counterbalance to Iran.

3) Stop educating them (students from Islamic countries). We allow students from all the countries that these terrorists typically come from to still study in this country. The former spokesman for the Taliban is going to Yale for crying out loud. The reality of most of these terrorists is that they are not poor dumb hicks - they are typically middle class and well educated. Many of the 9/11 terrorists were university graduates. All students from marked countries should be banned from studying in the US. NO exceptions.

4) Pull US troops out of countries that do not appreciate their presence. This would free up many tax dollars as well as military personell that could be used elsewhere. It would also make those countries (I am thinking of Europe) that get a free ride on defense at the expense of the US start thinking more seriously about which side of the bed they want to lay on. The way things are now they get to blame us for everything that goes wrong - when they are standing alone and have to shovel their own shit it will give them a different perspective.

5) The US goverment needs to make a statement that any act of nuclear or biological terrorism will be met by nuclear attack on any countries that are even SUSPECTED of having involvement. This will put the fear of god into any goverments that might think about covertly supporting acts of nuclear or biological terrorism. Make it clear that we will not search for 100% conclusive evidence - we will try to prove within a reasonable doubt who was involved and then the nukes will fly.

6) Institute a militia - a real one - not the National Guard. A real militia made up of local people who are invested in their community and the lives of their friends and family will show terrorists that we as a people are prepared to defend our country as a people - not just as goverment employees. When Israel armed teachers it stopped the attacks on schoolchildren by armed terrorists. If we had a real citizens militia we would never see the kind of crap that is happening in France now. Furthermore if armed citizens were allowed to carry on airplanes (maybe with a special license and verified frangible ammo?) would have sept 11 even have occurred? The reality is that our own goverment bears some responsibility for the carnage on Sept 11 because they took the right of self defense away from the airline pilots and from the citizens who were riding those planes. Question - which plane was the only one that did not reach its' target? Answer - the one where the citizen militia rose up and fought back. They died for their efforts but the fact is that if armed citizens had been on all those planes the history of that day would have been very different.
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