Sounds like a rewrite of an old (1993), alleged HCI memo, that turned out to be a hoax...
"Summary of Notes and Minutes
Meeting of Friday, December 17, 1993
Rough Draft Proposal for Internal Memo and Five Year Plan
Following is a summary of Notes and Minutes of a meeting held December 17, 1993 at the Western Regional Office of Handgun Control, Inc. for the purpose of discussing strategy and defining an agenda for the formulation of gun control legislation in 1994 and the following five years. The document is on Handgun Control stationary, and is marked CONFIDENTIAL-Not For General Distribution. Also included is an attachment on HCI stationary which is marked:
HCI - Confidential Document DO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR COPY/NOT FOR GENERAL CIRCULATION. The attachment is also marked CONFIDENTIAL, and Confidential Information for use by Lobbyists or Senior Officers Only. The attachment is dated December 29, 1993 and contains details relative to the Notes and Minutes of the December 17, 1993 meeting. The material was distributed to the following individuals:
Richard Aborn David Birenbaum Lee Fisher
Larry Lowenstein John Phillips Helen Raiser
Maurice Rosenblatt Jeanne Shields Odile Stern
N.T. Shields Sarah Brady Stanley E. Foster
John Hechinger Edward O. Welles Charles J. Orasin
Lois Hess Sandy Cooney Amy Weitz
The contents of the document were to be forwarded to the national office for reference, and a series of brainstorming sessions are to be held at the White House through the winter of 1994. A brief discussion on Fundraisers and Press Releases follows, with reference to swaying votes for Sen. Feinstein's Assault Weapon Ban, and the drafting of a letter of support to Rep. Charles Schemer to offer additional materials for his use in testimony and press conferences. The document urges HCI members to continue their high profile supporting gun control issues and to continue with their praise of President Clinton, Attorney General Janet Reno, and Senator Dianne Feinstein for their political courage in standing up to the Gun Lobby. The following is summarized from the content of the general document and the Attachment.
A)Ban of all clips holding over 6 bullets.
B)Ban on all semiautos which can fire more than 6 bullets without reloading.
C)Ban on possession of parts.
D)Ban on all pump shotguns capable of being converted to over 5 shots without reloading.
E)Banning of all machine guns, destructive devices, short shot guns/rifles, assault weapons, Saturday Night Specials and Non- Sporting ammunition.
F)Arsenal licensing for possession of multiple guns and large amounts of ammunition.
G)Elimination of the Department of Civilian Marksmanship.
H)Ban on possession of a firearm within a home located within 1000 feet of a schoolyard.
I)Ban on all realistic replicas/toy guns or non-firearms capable of being rendered realistic.
J)The right of victims of gun violence to sue manufacturers and dealers to be affirmed and perhaps, aided with money from government programs.
K)Taxes on ammo, dealers licenses and guns to offset the medical costs to society.
L)The eventual ban of all semi-automatics regardless of when made or what caliber.
The memo describes subjects discussed during a "brain storming" session conducted after the formal meeting. The focus of this session was to guide gun control initiatives over the next five years. The document states that these subjects may not be politically feasible ideas for 1994, but the members are confident that with continued pressure they can achieve most if not all of these goals within the next five years. These goals are summarized below:
1) National licensing of all handgun purchases.
2) License for rifle and shotguns. Strict licensing should be mandatory for all firearms, whether handguns or not.
3) State licenses for ownership of firearms. It is reasonable to require that all individual must prove that they require a firearm.
4) Reduction of the number of guns to require an arsenal license. The suggestion is that the number be reduced to possession of greater than 5 guns and 250 rounds of ammunition.
5) Arsenal license fees. It is reasonable to require an annual fee of at least $300.00, with a cap of $1,000.00.
6) Limits on arsenal licensing. No license permitted in counties with populations in excess of 200,000.
7) Requirement of Federally Approved storage safe for all guns.
8) Inspection licensing of all safes. This would be a good revenue source, and would be conducted yearly.
9) Ban on manufacturing in counties with a population of more than 200,000.
10) Ban on all military style firearms. This will be based on a "point system" and hopefully can be expanded to include high powered air guns and paint ball weapons.
11) Banning of any machine gun parts or parts which can be used in a machine gun.
12) Banning the carrying of a firearm anywhere but home or target range. There should be a federal mandate to the states regulating the carrying of firearms.
13) Banning replacement parts.
14) Elimination of the Curio relic list. A gun is a gun.
15) Control of ammunition belonging to certain surplus firearms.
16) Eventual ban on handgun possession. We think that within 5 years we can enact a total ban on possession at the federal level.
17) Banning of any ammunition that fits military guns (post 1945).
18) Banning of any quantity of smokeless powder or black powder which would constitute more than the equivalent of 100 rounds of ammunition.
19) Ban on the possession of explosive powders of more than 1 kilogram at any one time.
20) Banning of high powered ammo and wounding ammo.
21) A national license for ammunition.
22) Banning or strict licensing of all re-loading components.
23) National registration of ammunition or ammo buyers.
24) Requirement of special storage safe for ammunition and licensing.
25) Restricting gun ranges to counties with populations less than 200,000.
26) Special licensing of ranges. The range must have the written permission of all property owners within 7 miles.
27) Special range tax to visitors. $85.00/day/person proposed.
28) Waiting period for rentals on pistol ranges.
29) Banning gun shows.
30) Banning of military re-enactments. This includes survivalist and paramilitary, as well as WW1, WW2, and Civil War re-enactment's on federal land. We hope to encourage the states to prohibit them from state and county lands as well.
31) Making unlawful the assembly of more than 4 armed individuals who are not peace officers or military.
32) Begin to curb hunting on all public lands.
33) Making gun owners records and photos a matter of public record.
34) Random police checks for weapons (like sobriety checkpoints).
Continued here...