The Blue Chill, Death and America



We all know what happened a few days icy Blue Chill has descended on our nation's capital. A very dangerous situation now exists and our country will pay a very high price for this self-indulgence in the years ahead. Our enemies are watching and sense weakness and hesitation from us.

We will lose lives because of this. Our most dangerous enemies think in terms of decades and their allegiance to their faith transcends short term politics and time. We, on the other hand, can barely think ahead to the next election cycle.

The Blue Chill spreading across our nation is driven by power-mad leftists and their pseudo-conservative stooge allies. These allies have been called Blue Dog Democrats. Do not be fooled as whatever conservative tendencies they have will be devoured by the desire to stay in power. These "blue dogs" will be hammered by Eyeball Pelosi and her minions, among others. Make no mistake about it, there is almost no chance they will remain true to any conservative principles they had when elected. When push comes to shove, they will cast their lot with their leftist masters. The Democratic party is dominated by and controlled by transnational, politically correct leftists. That has not and will not change any time soon.

And what of the Republicans? They deserved this disaster. They turned their back on the party's principles and in doing so spit in the face of Ronald Reagan and his legacy. They brought this disaster on themselves and only true penance and a recommittment to true conservative principles without the corruption and worship of power will return them to the majority. Rampant corruption, massive over-spending and an outrageous arrogance insured the destruction of the republican majority in congress. The republicans betrayed their base, their principles and ultimately themselves.

But those of you stupid enough to think that the Democrats were a good alternative will learn how foolish you were in the days ahead. Your choice will doom many of our countrymen to death as it has emboldened our enemies and insured that we will face more attacks in the years ahead. You've hamstrung our president and transmitted a message of weakness and division to our enemies. The Mad Mullahs in Iran and Chia Dictator in North Korea are not sleeping, they have been watching all of this carefully and dispassionately...they smell the foul stench of weakness and they know that America has blinked.

And to you George W. Bush, I say were a fool not to listen to your wife. She knew what Rumsfeld was costing you as did your father. Had you listened you would have profited from their wisdom. Instead you refused to make the change when it would have done the most good and, instead, made it when it would do the most damage.

And you were a fool for giving Paul Bremer a medal...his decisions have cost us many soldiers and brought anguish to their families. He should be scorned for his awful decision to disband the Iraqi military and proceed with his idiotic "debaathization" program that left Iraq wide open to infiltration by Iran and Syria, and insured an almost total lack of security. Bremer was a disaster for Iraq and for our troops.

I supported you, Mr. President, because you were the best we had after 9/11 but your own myopic decisions and allegiance to lackeys has cost you dearly in the last election. So be it, you were still better than Kerry and Gore but your legacy will be a mixed one at best.

To our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world, God bless all of you and thank you for your service and your sacrifice. We failed you, you NEVER failed us. Please accept our apologies for the weak-minded fools who stupidly believe that appeasement will save them. Please forgive us for the weakness we demonstrated on Tuesday.

No nation with the enemies we have could EVER afford the self-indulgence that was demonstrated in the last election. We will pay for what we did, make no mistake about it.

"You were given the choice between war and dishonor.
You chose dishonor and you will have war."

-Winston Churchill
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Very well said. I have felt much the same way about the way things have gone over the last 6 years. It is good to remember however that there is a reason why Bush and his cohorts are called "neoconservatives" - they are not really conservatives. Do some searching on Google and you will find that the neoconservative movement has it's roots in liberalism:

(from )

Neoconservatism is a very small movement of highly educated people. It began in reaction to the Great Society projects of Lyndon Johnson's Presidency. Part of this reaction – more than they say in their memoirs – probably had to do with Johnson's crass style. Kennedy had been a smooth operator, in every sense. Johnson's crassness sent a message: it takes crassness and raw power to push through policies of liberal political redemption. This message began to bother a few intellectuals who had been card-carrying liberal Democrats.

Initially, neoconservatives focused more on economic policy than foreign policy. The movement's first major publication, The Public Interest, began in 1965. It featured readable, footnoted essays by scholars who had grown skeptical of the Federal government's programs to eliminate poverty, crime, racial discrimination, and similar domestic evils. To some extent, Commentary, the publication of the American Jewish Committee, also began to feature articles critical of existing government policy. The same authors wrote for both publications.

The Public Interest was a nuts-and-bolts academic journal. I began reading it by 1967 because of the influence of sociologist Robert Nisbet, who wrote for it and Commentary. I took classes under Nisbet, who was later one of the readers for my Ph.D. dissertation.

The "godfather" of neoconservatism is Irving Kristol, who had been a youthful Trotskyite. He defined a neoconservative as "a liberal who was mugged by reality." This definition is clever, memorable, and accurate. It called forth the definition of a neo-liberal by M.I.T. economics professor Lester Thurow: "A liberal who was mugged by reality, but who has declined to press charges."

Much of the reason why I have never supported the Iraq war - why I have never been very fond of Bush and his group, and why I thought that having Bush in office was a very very bad idea for anybody who truly calls themselves "conservative" is because I feared the inevitable backlash from their policies. I believe that this backlash is probably just starting to felt with the results from the election we just had. The Republicans have whored out their principles badly enough by supporting Bush that it will very hard to counter some of the b.s. that is coming our way from the extreme left liberals that now have gotten back some power in our goverments - national and local. Gay marriage, gun control, no clamping down on immigration, more taxes, etc. are all coming our way - nationally and locally.

The truth is that a certain part of me hopes that the liberals drive this country so far down that people finally come to their senses and we have another "revolution" if you want to call it that. I would really like to see this country return to what it once was where the goverment had minimal interference in our lives. What we are going thru now is death by a thousand paper cuts and I fear the inevitable outcome of all of this is going to be some sort of fascist state in this country. If we as a country keep up our habit of pissing of the rest of the world the least of our worries will be war and revolution here at home - we all forget that the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians, and countless other countries now - all have nuclear weapons. Combine that with the politically correct, liberal jackass type of stuff that has gone on in this country and you have an untenable situation. From everything I can read Europe is a dying civilization - we keep making the same mistakes that they do so eventually we will pay the same price if we do not smarten up.
This post reeks of fear..for a group that constantly rants about how the "extreme liberals" unethically use shock and scare tactics to pollute the facts of gun control, you certainly don't seem to have a problem doing the same to voice your discontent with the recent election resulsts.

What we witnessed a few days ago was NOT self-indulgence, or the ringing of the death bell for this country, so please stop being so over-dramatic. What we DID see was an American populace who have finally waken up and taken action against the biggest gang of thugs in the land. What we saw was an American people that would no longer let the fearmongers scare them into such a state of frenzy that any lie would be believed and worse yet, lies that were not believed would be tolerated. I'm ashamed at what's been happening to this country over the past 6 years, and if you're not than you really need to re-evaluate what it means to be an American, not to mention a human being.

As for the whiners, since when has selling out the American People (or should I say, the 99.9% of us that aren't rich...) to big corporations for private gain NOT been a staple of Republican philosophy?

Your inability to see an issue from any point of reference other than your own lazyboy speaks volumes as to why the Republicans are currently going down for the count, not to mention the fact that you support anyone that claims to believe in what you do (softer gun control, no gay marriages) which are typically personal, less important issues, even if they support the same methods and policies that has this country going down the tubes (the whole Iraq fiasco, unchecked spying on American citizens, brash and arrogant attacks on our Constitution, etc.).

Anyone that can sit there and look at how, during only six years, we as a country have gone from a time of prosperity with a strong economy and record budget surplus, to our present state with a deficit in the trillions, severly cut social programs and school budgets, unprecedented wasteful spending by the govt. whom can only seem to pass a bill if it's filled to the brim with self-serving pork projects, thousand of our boys and girls dead behind a war started on lies and fear, our public enemy number one (Bin Laden, remember him?) still at large and most likely taking conference calls with American oil executives at this very moment....anyone that can realistically look at those facts and still sit there waving a Republican flag and talk about how the "death of america" is coming now that we've gotten all these crooks out of office should reach around right now to the back of their necks and feel for a scar...then rip that implant out and open your friggin' eyes....oh, and NEVER call anyone else, let alone democrats or those that don't share your every view, "sheeple" again, because it's quite obvious over whose eyes the wool has been pulled...

How about we all take our Red and Blue flags down for half a second and use some sorely needed common sense going forward?

Oh, and for the predictable responses calling me a leftist, libreral, dem or whatever else, WRONG. Both parties are equally out of touch with the common man and completely inept at running this country on its, choose another bullet when you try to shoot me down...
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Major Blood, let's talk in two years.

You think uemployment is bad now at 4.5%? Wait until the inevitable shafting of corporate America comes at the hands of the democrats. Watch how fast unemployment hits double digits.

You think pork barrel projects are bad now? Already Charles Rangel is licking his chops about the prospect of filling NY in general and NYC in particular with pork. He evan made a public remark offending Mississippi about the amount of "pork" they get compared to NY. And Rangel, as the most likely head of the House Ways and Means Committee, has not seen a tax he did not like.

How do you reconcile these two statements: "severly cut social programs and school budgets, unprecedented wasteful spending by the govt"

How can you claim unprecendented wasteful spending if social programs and school budgets are cut? Cutting social programs and school budgets IS curtailing wasteful spending since neither of the two are the Federal government's responsibility according to the Constitution. National defense IS the pre-eminent federal constitutional responsibility and that's where the majority of the spending has gone.

The rest of your post is so filled with socialist bullshit that I simply do not have the time to attack each lie and exaggeration (unchecked spying against Americans? GMAFB).

You might just want to go back to the Democratic Underground. They think like you over there.
Major - obviously both parties have their problems. Power being chief among them!

As the party in power becomes more and more entrenched, they become the thing they were arguably against when they came into power. In this case, the Republicans began to be corrupted, just as the Democrats were corrupt before they got the boot in 1994.

The one BIG difference I've noticed is that the Republicans clean their own house. Foley was immediately gone, as have all of the other scandal racked Republicans. The Democrats just seem to make excuses as to why the Republicans and the "vast right wing conspiracy" were out to get them. If Bush had screwed an intern in the oval office, we'd now be seeing Pres. Cheney, because Bush would have been forced out.

The Republicans were very concilliatory after this loss, with the leadership universally saying "we had it coming." Unlike the whining, wailing and nashing of teeth the Democrats laid out after every single one of their beat downs over the past 12 years, the Republicans stood up and took their whoopin'.

I think you may have missed a few things over the past few years:
1) We were attacked on our own soil by people who want to end our nation, largely due to the foreign policy failings of Carter and Clinton.

2) We've made significant progress in the war according to those who've been there. Is it perfect? No, it's war. I personally think Rumsfeld should have been sent packing after Bush's first term, but that wasn't my decision.

3) The economy is actually pretty robust right now, despite the debt increase due to #1 mentioned above. In fact, it's probably a stronger economy than when Clinton left office. His economic "success" was fueled by the false Internet bubble that really was a phantom economy. If anything, the Republicans should be claiming victory since they were the real reason the debt went down, and are the reasons (as much as government can claim the economy has anything to do with them) the economy is now strong.

Re: School budgets - Public schools are a shambles, lead down the path of teaching "social values," how to use condoms, and trying to tell families how to raise their kids instead of actually teaching math, literature, and real science. BTW - If you looked at the amount of money that teachers and administrators actually make, they make more than doctors and lawyers per hour worked in many municipalities.
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Schools are not a Federal responsibility. When are people going to get that through their heads?

I have an idea. Let's abolish ALL state and local governments.

Let's have one massive bureaucracy that controls every single aspect of life from DC. Let's just cout out the middle man.

Let's just disband every local, county, and state police agency and replace them with one monolithic Federal Police Service.

Welcome to liberal-socialist nirvana.
Jose- First off, I already stated that I'm neither Republican or Democrat...both parties are equally inept at running this country. So read before you try to lump me in with them...

As for your "arguments"...other than being the standard rant of those who are so blindly devoted that they can't see they're precious idols have been duping them, they contain almost nothing even worth repying to, but I'll try...

For one, have you even read the Patriot Act? If so, how can you reconcile it with your purportedly Republican ideal of minimal govt. intervention in the lives of its citzens? I suppose in your unique interpretation of the Constitution, that little anomaly is acceptable...much more than the travesty of actually realizing that not all of our citizens can afford private schools and that an investment in the education of our children SHOULD be one of our main aims, whether Constitutionally guaranteed or not. Speaking of which, alot of what the Constitution says isn't lived up to, not the least of which the statement that "All men are created equal...blah blah blah",supposedly one of the most important tenets but also one that any halfwit with one good eye and the most rudimentary awareness of this country's history will tell you is B.S., so try again...

As for the shafting of corporate America, there's yet another blaring contradiction....we all know that Big Business runs this country, so if the Republicans are for Big Business, they're also for Big that such a hard concept to comprehend? And anyway, screw Big Business anyway...they lay off thousands of ordinary working americans and turn around and give themselves million dollar bonuses financed with OUR tax dollars, gleefully handed over by your favorite group of monkeys...the oil industry, the tobacco companies, the pharmaceutical companies, they've all experienced some of the most prosperous years ever, and at what cost? Some americans won't be able to afford heating oil this year....AGAIN. When Republicans talk about tax breaks, they're not talking about you and your family Jose, they're talking about making sure people like Trump and Gates don't get hit so hard with taxes that they can't make nice chunky campaign your eyes.

This country was founded on the ideals of a govt. for and by the people, a govt. in direct subordination to the welfare and best interests of it's citizens...if you can honestly look at what this administration has done to this country over the last 6 years and the underhanded manner in which it conspired to give itself ultimate, un-checkable power, then you should be checking for anal probes or something...

Oh, and Thor, well put together main point of contention with you would be the statement that the muslim world wants to destroy us because of the failed policies of Carter and Clinton (how intersesting, both democrats...hmmmm.), when it actually goes back a lot further than that, most notably with our support of the creation of the state of Israel after WWII...

It's a sad day for this country....Americans USED to be stong willed people that took control of it govt. when it no longer acted in it's best interests...nowadays if someone agrees with you on abortion or gay marriage, they get your vote even as they're bending you about the blind leading the blind...
Oh, and Thor, well put together main point of contention with you would be the statement that the muslim world wants to destroy us because of the failed policies of Carter and Clinton (how intersesting, both democrats...hmmmm.), when it actually goes back a lot further than that, most notably with our support of the creation of the state of Israel after WWII...

Actually, that isn't what I said. I'm not saying that they WANT to destroy us because of that. I agree with you in part that is becasue of our support for Israel, it's also in part bacause of our support for Christianity, not making the women in this country subservient to men, our freedom to write cartoons of Allah with a bomb in his turban, and the list goes on! However, I was making the point that the Carter administration could have grown a pair, and put a stop to the nut who is now in power in Iran (as he was one of the hostage takers during Carter's admin), and Carter had the opportunity to show the world the we have a spine. Under Clinton, Clinton 1) had several opportunities to stop Bin Laden (Clinton's rantings to the contrary aside), 2) He had several opportunities to help muslims in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Somalia, etc. We could have done something to show them that we were there friends too. He delayed, and blustered, until finally, they no longer trusted us. While people in the west may have short memories, they don't! Would ANYTHING have helped? Probably not, but it's a start.

Also, Clinton admin THRASHED the national security and intelligence budget. Including human intel that could have made a huge difference.

Also, we truly need to watch our borders better than we do. Clinton made huge concessions to illegals, as would Bush - which I also don't agree with.

Re: corporate america and million dollar bonuses - it isn't right, but it's also not the business of government to interfere. The stick holders should throw any CEO that does that to the curb!

Patriot Act - I'm not the biggest fan either.
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I have read in numerous places that one of the reasons that the voters went Democrat this time was as a protest vote against the way the Republicans have behaved over the last few years. Bill Clinton himself has made the statement that the voters took out the Republicans because they did not act like true conservatives. Many of the democrats that have been elected nationwide are middle of the road - and they include a few Iraqi war veterans.
Just because we here in MA went all moonbatty does not mean that is what is happening countrywide.

Do I think this is a good thing - well no. I would have preferred that the Republicans act like the true conservatives that they claim to be and lop off goverment agencies, return power to the states, cut taxes drastically, pull our troops out of as many countries as possible and let them defend themselves, cut foreign aid drastically or eliminate it completely, elminate the vast majority of the 20,000 gun laws that this country has, get rid of the National Guard and put a true citizens militia back in place, increase the numbers in the House of Representatives to eliminate the joke of citizens representation we have now, etc. etc.

Did I really think that was going to happen? NO.


Because the Democrats and the Republicans are two wings of the same party - and in the end all they really intend is to do whatever it takes to retain power. And we as citizens fall for this crap every time.

My sincerest hope is the pervasive memory loss that the voters of this country exhibit every time they go to the polls at least gets a little bit better over the next four years or so. My other hope is the Democrats are true to form and piss of the majority of the people in this country so that then next time we go to vote we all sit back and say to ourselves, " The republicans suck really hard so I cant vote for them - and the democrats suck even worse - and have proven it, so I cant vote for them. I guess I either have to completely boycott the election process or vote for a third party candidate"

Maybe when we all finally wake up something will change in this country - but until the moonbats on the left - and gunbats on the right - stop resorting to the same old bullshit arguments and finally get their heads straight and vote and act in the best interests of this country - this country as it was setup to be by the founding fathers - a republic with extremely limited federal goverment powers - something will change. Until that day comes we are all headed down an extremely slippery slope and the same tired crap that has been tried over and over again is not going to work - because it never has.

Stop giving in and stand up. The next time a Republican says that we have to support the Patriot Act to be a true American - say NO I dont. The next a Democrat says that we should give up our guns - otherwise we are terrorists and un-American, say NO. The next time a Republican says we have to send countless hundreds of millions of dollars to support Israel say no - the proper role of the US goverment is the protection of this country - not all the other ones. The next time a Democrat talks about letting in 10's of millions of illegal aliens because it is the humane thing to do - say NO, the humane thing to do is to take care of the people who are already living in this country.

Both sides are wrong.
Schools are not a Federal responsibility. When are people going to get that through their heads?

I have an idea. Let's abolish ALL state and local governments.

Let's have one massive bureaucracy that controls every single aspect of life from DC. Let's just cout out the middle man.

Let's just disband every local, county, and state police agency and replace them with one monolithic Federal Police Service.

Welcome to liberal-socialist nirvana.

if we can still have guns I don't see a problem with that.
if we can still have guns I don't see a problem with that.

I hope you are kidding about that. If not then you are a perfect example of what I am talking about - it is us as citizens who are the real problem here - because we buy into this crap every time. You apparently think it would be ok to lose all local representation in favor of one vast central bureacracy?[crying] [angry]
I hope you are kidding about that. If not then you are a perfect example of what I am talking about - it is us as citizens who are the real problem here - because we buy into this crap every time. You apparently think it would be ok to lose all local representation in favor of one vast central bureacracy?[crying] [angry]

yeah, it was a joke.....sorry...didn't mean to make light of such a serious subject. I don't by into anything. I am against everything. No matter what side people support I will support the side that is deemed more evil in the eyes of society....if they try to make a utopian society I will work to maintain my freedom from that opression. I am " Edgar Friendly"
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