That poor woman

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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Who was shot while leaving flowers for her brother in the South End.
That is so wrong and so sad..

It happened only a short distance from a BPD station.

If only the shooter had heard about the gun buy back program, this never would have happened
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Yeah, but then he probably would have cashed in his Target gift card for a baseball bat and beat the poor lady instead.
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Just another case in point to support the concept, 'arm the populace, stop the crime'. Make citizens understand the responsibility for their personal protection is theirs, and give them the means to accomplish it.

"The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory."-----Jeff Cooper
This only reinforces the fact that the police can't protect everyone. If we had a uniform carry law there is a very good possibility she (and also her brother) would be alive today. This is a tragic waste of life.
Heard this AM on the news (haven't seen hardcopy of it yet, though) that Boston is going to look into regulating street-side memorials. Isn't that the first step toward banning the dangerous things?
A few years ago some clever folks worked a dramatic reduction in violent crime in Areas B and D. It involved singling out the comparatively few perps and sending them to jail -- to federal jail, for long sentences, where there is no parol or good behavior credits. Worked pretty well.

The plan was cancelled about 3-4 years ago at the insistence of some who thought it was bad that, are you ready for this: "There's folks going to jail!" Primary amongst the critics were the Boston Globe and the Mayor of Boston.

And, of course, when they quit sending the perps to jail, the perps went back to shooting people.

As you sow, so shall you reap.
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