Take a deep breath before reading

Thirty thousand people a year -- 82 a day -- are killed by guns every year in this country. Every two years more Americans die of firearms than all the American soldiers killed in eight years in Vietnam. And yet there is more accountability for dog owners than gun owners; at least dog owners have to have a license. ''If there were white kids in the suburbs dying, we would end gun trafficking," says Heggie, the Randolph cop.

They fail to mention over half of the gun related deaths are suicides.


As usual "The Sky is Falling!"
I still don't understand how they can say this tribble when they don't mention that it's ILLEGAL! And No matter what laws are put into place, criminals DON'T CARE! That's why they are CALLED criminals.

These people kill me!

In addition, we need to limit gun purchases for individuals to one per month, a policy that has proven effective in Virginia. Question: How many legitimate buyers need more than a dozen guns a year?

So, I'm into Cowboy Action Shooting. I need two pistols, a rifle, and a shotgun. And that's just to get started. If I want to shoot a different class, then I might need two more pistols and possibly another rifle all in a different caliber.

It could take me a year just to get into the sport.

And what about all the deaths that are caused by baseball bats, or crowbars?? Do we need to limit the number of bats that are sold to inner city kids?

I know taht I'm just preching to the choir here. But this just pisses me off.

I need more than a deep breath!
C-pher said:
Oh, and I would love to see your letter, so I say post it here.

Mr Bailey,

It was with great interest that I read your column from November 30th, 2005.

I take issue with several of your points and would like to discuss them with you.

By the slant of your column I assume you are vehemently against guns and gun owners. Let me give you a quick idea of my background. I am a 31 year old white female, and yes, a gun owner. I follow the very rigid MA laws to their fullest extent. Because of my involvement and interaction with hundreds of other gun owners I know for a fact that I am the rule, not the exception.

Now my issues:

1) You said, "There were military sniper rifles and an M-16-type ''machine pistol" capable of firing off 100 rounds before reloading -- the kind of gun only an angry high school student could love."
Since the majority of us gun owners are not legally allowed to possess the fully automatic M-16 we have AR-15s. I have one upstairs right now. In a locked container, as required by law. It is a very enjoyable gun to shoot and I dare say, as possible as it is to love a thing, I love that rifle. I'm neither angry, nor in high school.
I imagine you have never shot an AR-15 so please allow me to extend the invitation. I am allowed to have guests at my gun club and since I am certified to be a firearms safety instructor I feel I am more than capable to assist you in your research. Which should include firing one of the guns you maligned.

2) You said, "It took Belair, a former prison guard, less than 20 minutes to fill out the federal forms and get approved over the phone. It took me longer to buy a refrigerator at Sears a few weeks ago."
I do hope that you removed the doors from your old refrigerator before disposing of it. Through ignorance, laziness or sheer stupidity people often leave refrigerator doors on their old appliances. They then become deathtraps for our innocent young. It just takes one simple game of hide and seek for true terror to ensue...
Point being that anything can become a "weapon" or an "implement of death" though we time and time again choose to vilify guns. Yes they can be used in wars and defense. Though of my hundreds of contacts only a handful have seen active duty. None of the others have used their guns in defense. The last thing I killed with my gun was a piece of target paper.

3) You said, "Massachusetts has the toughest gun laws in the nation, but the streets of Boston haven't felt this dangerous in years."
Have you done any research on crime in states and cities where gun ownership is not typically denied to the law-abiding citizen? I think you will be shocked to see that if criminals feel that their prey may be armed, they move along to an easier target. I think Boston is becoming that target, so why would you feel safe?

4) You said, "Dramatically reducing the flow of illegal guns would be a relatively straightforward matter if it were not for the lunatic gun lobby and its political enablers."
Where is the lunacy in protecting our freedom? It is specifically stated in the Second Amendment that we have the right to keep and bear arms. Though this column appears to me to be lunacy, it is your right, protected under the First Amendment, to publish it.
The stricter the laws the higher the amount of illegal sales. If guns become outlawed, they will still be found. Just now no decent citizens will be able to protect themselves against the criminals.

5) You said, "Question: How many legitimate buyers need more than a dozen guns a year?"
Answer: All of us! Serious and avid collectors and sportsmen alike need the freedom to do what they want. We are not villains, derelicts or lunatics. We are your next door neighbor, the woman you just passed on the street, the man behind you in line... We are law-abiding citizens pursuing our hobbies and interests.
How many record collectors need more than 12 albums a year? How many carpenters need more than 12 box cutters (the very same weapon that began the 9/11 attacks!) a year? Who am I to judge? Who are you?

In closing, I in all seriousness invite you to join me at the Massachusetts Rifle Association in Woburn, MA. I will neither intimidate nor attempt to offend you. I would like you to have the chance to experience the simple pleasure of shooting a gun. The hypnotic rhythm of firing and the feeling of accomplishment when you shoot well should be experienced. Consider it for the sake of research. Come talk to responsible gun owners; get a feel for the community before you become jury, judge and executioner.

With a little more research your writing can become fair, balanced, logical and intelligent.
Please respond via e-mail to my invitation. It is open ended.

Thank you,
Jennifer Scott
Melrose, MA
"It took Belair, a former prison guard, less than 20 minutes to fill out the federal forms and get approved over the phone. It took me longer to buy a refrigerator at Sears a few weeks ago."

She forgets to mention that at sears she isn't going through a criminal background check. I'm glad its not a slow process, it just proves the system we have is far more efficent than Sears (maybe that's why Sears is in finatial trouble....and 4 Seasons, and Coin Collectors are doing very well)

Immagine how long it would take if he was a fellon, or someone with a history of drugs or domestic violence.

SR: Post away, I'd like to see what you wrote as well!

-Weer'd Beard
While you were posting your SR, this is what I sent him as well.

Mr. Bailey:

I just read your article regarding Gun Shows and illegal trafficking. I have several points that I find you have overlooked.

You state that "Dramatically reducing the flow of illegal guns would be a relatively straightforward matter if it were not for the lunatic gun lobby and its political enablers. What is needed is uniform national gun laws that require background checks for all gun purchases whether from licensed dealers or from private individuals." But you seem to forget one large word in that statement. "Illegal" I'm guessing that you do understand what that word means. It's used with the work Criminal. And no matter what laws are put into place, criminals are going to do things that are illegal. That's the very definition of the word criminal. So even if these laws are put into place, the criminals don't care and will do this anyway.

When you look at States like VT where crime is very low, yet they have some of the most relaxed gun laws in the nation. Then you look at DC. They have some of the more stringent laws in the nation, yet it's the more dangerous regarding gun crime in the Nation. How are the laws working there?

Then you say, "we need to limit gun purchases for individuals to one per month...Question: How many legitimate buyers need more than a dozen guns a year?"

I can answer that one pretty reasonably. I participate in a sport called Cowboy Action Shooting. You can look it up here at www.sassnet.com. In that sport, which is one of the safest sports out there today, you need two pistols, one rifle, and one shotgun. Going by your standards, I would need to wait 4 or more months before I can compete in my sport of choice. But then, we have different classes and division. With that, I might need another caliber, or a different model to be able to compete. That's at least another two pistols and a rifle. So there I would need more than one gun a month or it could take me a year to be able to enjoy my sport.

That's unless you're wanting me to become a criminal in order to meet the requirements of my sport.

And that brings me to one final point. More crimes are committed with a baseball bat, or a crowbar or a screwdriver than they are with guns.

But I guess that we should limit the number of baseball bats that we can give to the kids wanting to start playing baseball. Sorry Manny, broke your bat cracking that game winning home run. You're not going to be able to play until next month. Go SOX.

The weapons used in the Columbine High School massacre, which left 14 dead, came from gun shows.

How nice to ignore that the sale was 100% LEGAL and it was the actions of the buyers later (and the ILLEGAL transfer of the guns to the shooters) that was criminal, not the Gun Show.

Typical Liberal - Ignore the actual crimes and condemn the entity that did nothing wrong.

Thirty thousand people a year -- 82 a day -- are killed by guns every year in this country. Every two years more Americans die of firearms than all the American soldiers killed in eight years in Vietnam.

You would think that an expert in the use of words would not make major gramatical errors like "...people a year are ... every year..."

That aside, his alarming statistics are of course meaningless as even that number is so small it doesn't even crack the to 10 of causes of death.

Typical Liberal - using alarmist language to hype a perceived 'problem' to a level of concern that it hardly deserves.

But these people would never break down the numbers to their true representations. Lets face it, once you take out the suicides, point out the criminals killing criminals in disputes, justified killings, and narrow down to the accidents and criminal killing of innocents, the numbers get far less scarey. I've seen the annual firearm fatality rate in the accident and 'innocent victim' equated to the daily death toll from traffic accidents or the daily death toll from smoking related complications. And lets not forget that if you are not a criminal or suicidal, you are over 1000 times more likely to die at the error of a doctor than by a firearm.

Clearly we need more Doctor control, not Gun Control.
Great Letters Both of you!

I think She may be suprised by SR's letter, for some odd reason I don't she'll expect much for young Ladies.

Well done at pushing back the frontiers of ignorance. (Granted "Ignore" maybe be just the responce to these letters).

SR: If she does come to MRA with you, let us know....we can all pool our guns and give her a wider range of stuff to shoot.....and more people, so she can see that we arn't crazed loonies.

-Weer'd Beard
Weer'd Beard said:
Great Letters Both of you!

100% +1 agree totally.

Just hope that the effort brings some result. Can't tell you the number of times I've extended invites to various "Misinformed" people and have not had ONE take up the offer.

You have to remember, these people are PROUD of the fact that they are completely clueless.

Weer'd Beard said:
we can all pool our guns and give her a wider range of stuff to shoot.....and more people, so she can see that we arn't crazed loonies.

[Jack as Joker Voice] Wait 'til they get a load of me [/Jack]
I'm not even going to waste my time commenting on the article.
KUDOS to SR and C-Pher for the great responses you sent [!] [!] [!]
All excellent lettrs,however i have a feeling those letters have only inflated the size of his deleted folder. however you gotta try i guess
People like this dont want to hear reason. They only wish to hear more lies to fuel their unfounded fanaticism.
Snake- yes I'm definitely not living under the delusion that he'll ever reply or even go so far as to come to the range with me. But wouldn't it be cool if he did?

Thanks all for supporting the letter I wrote, and thanks C-pher for a great letter as well.

It just gets me that this guy goes to one gun show and uses that as his foundation of research. But I did all I can do about it. Maddening as it may be... I'm just glad we all have each other to commiserate with. :D
You've both made me proud C and SR - good letters both of you! To be honest, I didn't read the article. I just woke up and I'm not spakring on all cylinders as yet. I don't need a BP increase before my 2nd cup of coffee, however, I've read enough BS articles like that, so I got the gist from your letters.

MORE women need to write letters like that to dipsticks like him. Will it do any good? Probably not, but at some point, more women need to be heard. I'm not a criminal, but I've been violated by a criminal and I DO have the right to self defense. A-holes like him want to take that right away. I don't think so.
That's not cool. I'd actually get this guy into the Basic Firearms Safety class at the MRA for free just to see how he handles it. Maybe I should have offered him that instead of just a shooting extravaganza...
SiameseRat said:
That's not cool. I'd actually get this guy into the Basic Firearms Safety class at the MRA for free just to see how he handles it. Maybe I should have offered him that instead of just a shooting extravaganza...

So send him another email and offer him a full course, free of charge.
Wow. What a one sided article. I can go into Walmart and buy all the things I need to make crystal method which destorys thousands of peoples lives a year. Maybe he should write a article about that. It cost about $100 dollars to set up a illegal lab. (I just took a class with the state hazmat director and the DEA) I don't speak from expirence.
Hey I bought one of thems auto-ma-billies that kills all thems peoples on the highways!

Nobody even cares if I'm a good driver or not! They just let me put my cash down.

As a matter of fact, nobody even checked to see if I was licenced to drive the damn thing!

How come we never hear anything about all the accident that are caused by illigal immagrants that don't have licences or insurence to drive cars?

It's a sick world we live in.

-Weer'd Beard
hamptonyellowdog said:
Wow. What a one sided article. I can go into Walmart and buy all the things I need to make crystal method which destorys thousands of peoples lives a year. Maybe he should write a article about that. It cost about $100 dollars to set up a illegal lab. (I just took a class with the state hazmat director and the DEA) I don't speak from expirence.
He doesn't care about illegal drug labs, after all addicts have a medical problem. They're victims of society. He only cares about the legal firearms that he doesn't want you to own.
SR, after reading your letter, I decided to send off my own. When I orginally read the piece, I didn't want to spend the energy getting angry at the guy. Your civil approach inspired me:

Hi, just wanted to send you a note about your Live Free and Die article.

I used to think the way you do, and then, a year ago, I decided to test my unexamined beliefs. I went to a range and rented a Ruger .22 semi-automatic pistol and fired it for a bit. The question was: did a gun make me any more dangerous to society than a car? Turned out, no. I judged that I had to look elsewhere for the cause of the gun-crime problem. Now I agree with most of what the gun lobby says: that it's the criminals, not the guns, that are the problem.

Also, it turned out that shooting a .22 at a target is as fun as playing darts at a bar. More fun, if you're the boyish type that likes explosions and ingenious mechanics.

Give it a try and see what you think. I don't own a .22 pistol, but I can arrange to get one to let you try out if you want.

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