Surfboard, SIG, or pay the "ex"?

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Jun 2, 2006
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this ia a tough one: do i buy firtree's T&C for $300 or pay the "ex" the $200 i owe her? hmmm. what to do, what to do......[rolleyes]
-undecided in sandwich
" i still miss my ex, but my aim is improving"
Get her off your back first, then you can buy all the Sigs and Surfboards you want without hearing "you have money for THAT!...where's my $2?!"
If the $200 is alimony (alimony is BS), or CS, pay it. If not, Then tell that sorry bitch she can wait for her friggin money! If she asks why you haven't payed her yet, tell her that you spent it on hookers and lap dances, and she'll get it when you're good and god damn ready to give it to her! [devil]
I pay my ex $400 a week. Thats a really nice gun every month. But If I missed a payment by a day she is the type of person that would report me.
What was that old Guns and Roses song? "I used to love her, but I had to..." something, something.

Is this ex an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend? If it's the former you've already paid your dues. If it's the later bring wine and show up at her house, could be an interesting night. ;)
Producer said:
I pay my ex $400 a week. Thats a really nice gun every month. But If I missed a payment by a day she is the type of person that would report me.

Yup, and I'm one of the guys that serve the court notices to those that don't pay up, and occasionally arrests the deadbeat dads. So, I don't want to meet up with any NES'rs that way . . . my advice is to pay up!
LenS said:
Yup, and I'm one of the guys that serve the court notices to those that don't pay up, and occasionally arrests the deadbeat dads. So, I don't want to meet up with any NES'rs that way . . . my advice is to pay up!

Yeah, I would rather meet up for a shoot [grin]

She has the IRS take it out of my check anyways, so I really don't have to worry about that unless I take off to Costa Rica and come back to for a visit.
I'm the father of someone not paying his Ex-wife. Why do you all assume that the Ex wife is the problem? I know in my case, my son has been ordered by the court to pay an amount he can easily afford, and out of spite he doees not.

Does it hurt the ex-wife? Well not as much as it hurts his two sons who live with her. They go without so he can live high on the hog with his new young wife, take trips to Aruba,, live in a brand new house, drive an Expedition, ect, ect.

I can't tell you what to do, won't telll you, but there are two sides to a coin!
I'd like to do more than kick his rear! He went 10 months without speaking to his mother because she spoke to the ex-wife, because we like to see the grandkids.

Our whole family is at a loss on this one, none of us know how to solve it. He's missed three court dates, and he hasn't been hauled in yet.

I can't begin to tell ya'll how much this bothers all of us, and if a kick in the butt did the job, it would have been done by now.
depicts said:
I'd like to do more than kick his rear! He went 10 months without speaking to his mother because she spoke to the ex-wife, because we like to see the grandkids.

Our whole family is at a loss on this one, none of us know how to solve it. He's missed three court dates, and he hasn't been hauled in yet.

I can't begin to tell ya'll how much this bothers all of us, and if a kick in the butt did the job, it would have been done by now.

I hope you and your wife at least get to see the grandchild...[sad2]
I'm all for doing the honorable thing.

She was nice enough to lend you the $200, you should be nice enough to honor your commitment to pay her back, regardless of the current status of your relationship.

There are too many a'holes in the world as it is, why add to the pool?
depicts said:
Our whole family is at a loss on this one, none of us know how to solve it. He's missed three court dates, and he hasn't been hauled in yet.

I empathize with your problem, but if you can't steer or scare him straight, I'm not sure what can be done.

From your statement, it is only a matter of time before some Constable gets the warrant to arrest him! He'll then face the very distinct possibility of jail time in addition to whatever else the judge thinks up to get him to pay. [sad]
There are 2 sides. I think not paying child support is one of the most sleazy things you can do as a human being.

However, the problem is that in this state you pay X (percentage of you income). There are no questions asked, like the other 49 states that say the spouse has to show via reciepts that that money if going to the child. My ex spends very little on the kid, and she will probably not have money for college when the time comes.
Producer said:
However, the problem is that in this state you pay X (percentage of you income). There are no questions asked

That's BS... It's simply NOT TRUE!

I DO NOT pay the MA stated percentage, but it was negotiated, because after a lenghty court battle with my EX, I gave into her on some things, and in return, I was able to take a reduced payment on my CS.
Adam_MA said:
That's BS... It's simply NOT TRUE!

I DO NOT pay the MA stated percentage, but it was negotiated, because after a lenghty court battle with my EX, I gave into her on some things, and in return, I was able to take a reduced payment on my CS.

Isn't your daughter in another state? You go by the law of the custodial parent...
Adam_MA said:
That's BS... It's simply NOT TRUE!

I DO NOT pay the MA stated percentage, but it was negotiated, because after a lenghty court battle with my EX, I gave into her on some things, and in return, I was able to take a reduced payment on my CS.

I wish it was BS. But not for anyone I know I mass. You can have an agreement, but she can go in to court at any time afterwards and just say I want 25%+ every week, and bingo, she gets it. And believe me, if you know anything my Lawyers and I don't, that info is worth thousands of dollars to me. The only exception would be to prove that she is an unfit mother, which is almost impossible.
Producer said:
I wish it was BS. But not for anyone I know I mass. You can have an agreement, but she can go in to court at any time afterwards and just say I want 25%+ every week, and bingo, she gets it. And believe me, if you know anything my Lawyers and I don't, that info is worth thousands of dollars to me. The only exception would be to prove that she is an unfit mother, which is almost impossible.

If the child lives in MA this is true.... [sad2]
News Shooter said:
Does not require any receipts that the money actually goes to support the child. My ex figured that one out quickly

Yes, but your lawyer can request those reciepts.
My buddy has a sticker on his helmet...

And he knows because he lost his house, and two Harleys in his divorce..

Divorce: The F'in you get for F'in. I didn't want to use the read works because of the family aspect of this place...

But he's paying out more than he really can afford because his Ex wanted him so screwed.

He's now living with his sister and I carpool him to work because of MA divorce laws.

He had a House, a 2003 Harley Fat Boy and a 2004 Harley Road King Classic, Camper, Yukon, and some other goodies...

Gone, all of it.

I'll just tough it out. Let her live with the other guy...whatever, if things were to get bad. Only because I just can't afford to get a divorce...
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