I, along with the VAST majority of Soldiers Sailors Airmen and Marines carrying out the continuing battles of the War On Terror in the middle east are soo sick and tiered of the cop-out that exists in the overly repleated phrase, "I support the troops, but no the war". To us this is just plain wrong. It is nothing more then a wishy-washy way of admitting that these people are unabashedly against what we are doing over here, and thusly are against us, without saying it outright. I find this phase and all the others like it to be simply put a slap in the face.
How can you say that you support the troops when you see a Soldier in DCU in a restuarant and loadly call him a babby killer? YES, this happened to me whlile home on leave from Iraq. Before you say that this is one issolated incident by one very stupid individual, let me say that I have talked to at least a couple hundered service members that say they have had similar expieriences and that the folks they talk to are seeing it too.
Bottom line here is that we all want to not have to hear these idiots tell us that they support us while in the same breath tell us that we are fighting for nothing. That we are are burrying some of our best friends, and covering the sand with our very own blood, fighting a war that never should have happened.
Please, all of you that can feel the anger and frustration in this posting, Help all of us over here to be able to come home walking tall in the honor that we diserve. There is no reason for any one of us to hold his head low and to feel ashamed of having been here, but that is exactly te way we wind up feeling when we tune into the news read the paper(even Stars n Stripes) or return home. We are made out to be some ignorant peon tat does not know any better. Or that we are just blindly following orders without questioning whether they are right.
To al those that continue to help degrade the morale and welfare of U.S. troops, that would be me and all of my comrades over here, I say why don't you come over here and personally tell Shaheed, a man who was personally beaten imprisoned and tortured to the point of permenent bodily damage for the crime of asking why Sadaam's police had not arrested a man who stole from him, that we are wrong for "occupying" his country. Or come here and tell the hundereds of thousands of people that are showing up to vote that they do not diserve the oportunity that our liberating army has given to them.
And stop telling me that the four brothers that I have had to bury died for fighting for nothing!
Freedom is a blessing, but freedom has a price, we cannot forget those we have paid it with their lives.
How can you say that you support the troops when you see a Soldier in DCU in a restuarant and loadly call him a babby killer? YES, this happened to me whlile home on leave from Iraq. Before you say that this is one issolated incident by one very stupid individual, let me say that I have talked to at least a couple hundered service members that say they have had similar expieriences and that the folks they talk to are seeing it too.
Bottom line here is that we all want to not have to hear these idiots tell us that they support us while in the same breath tell us that we are fighting for nothing. That we are are burrying some of our best friends, and covering the sand with our very own blood, fighting a war that never should have happened.
Please, all of you that can feel the anger and frustration in this posting, Help all of us over here to be able to come home walking tall in the honor that we diserve. There is no reason for any one of us to hold his head low and to feel ashamed of having been here, but that is exactly te way we wind up feeling when we tune into the news read the paper(even Stars n Stripes) or return home. We are made out to be some ignorant peon tat does not know any better. Or that we are just blindly following orders without questioning whether they are right.
To al those that continue to help degrade the morale and welfare of U.S. troops, that would be me and all of my comrades over here, I say why don't you come over here and personally tell Shaheed, a man who was personally beaten imprisoned and tortured to the point of permenent bodily damage for the crime of asking why Sadaam's police had not arrested a man who stole from him, that we are wrong for "occupying" his country. Or come here and tell the hundereds of thousands of people that are showing up to vote that they do not diserve the oportunity that our liberating army has given to them.
And stop telling me that the four brothers that I have had to bury died for fighting for nothing!
Freedom is a blessing, but freedom has a price, we cannot forget those we have paid it with their lives.