What caliber ammo will you be reloading?
The anniversary kit, while having most everything you need to get going, is probably not the best option for pistol. This is a single stage press. That means that one operation is done at a time. You will have to decap all your brass, then you will have to prep the cases and prime, then you will have to fill the powder into all the cases, then actually seat the bullet, and crimp if not done together. While this is probably the best way to go for a beginner (one step at a time, checking in between stages for errors) it will probably not put out the volume of ammo, in the amount of time that most people are willing to devote to.
I started reloading with the Lee Pro 1000 progressive press.
It got me into reloading VERY cheap, and I am still using that press for all my 45ACP. It works great, and I am able to do over 250 rounds per hour without putting much effort into it.
But, like Tony said the anniversary kit would be a great way to try reloading without much of an investment.
However, the Pro1000 can be purchased for $119 all ready to go, with dies included, and can also be used single stage going station to station once round at a time until you are familiar enough with the process to start working in full progressive mode.
Just something to think about.