Staring down barrel of NRA's evil lobbyist

Wow, so now Chris Cox is evil, & it's the NRA's fault that someone goes postal & blasts 4 people? What ever happened to personal responsibility? It's already a crime to kill people, whether you shoot them with a gun, or bludgeon them with a cowboy boot full of concrete. MURDER is the crime. The weapon is just a tool used in the commission of the crime.
"As you walked away from the blood stains outside Opus 22 yesterday, you passed a line of galleries displaying the art that is part of what New York gives to the country while those states down South give us guns."

Such bullsh** rhetoric. He makes it seem like New York gives this country such culture and peace and diversity and southern states give us nothing but guns and death. This is yet another example of illegitimately placing blame where it doesn't belong, and unfortunately there will ALWAYS be people like this.
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