spring assist blades illegal in mass since October 04


Oct 20, 2005
North Shore
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I went into my local army navy store up the mall, and asked if they had any spring assist knives, the proprietor then showed me an official looking massachusetts state document that stated they were indeed illegal as of October of 04. This was news to me, i asked for a copy but he didnt have a copy machine.
C-pher said:
That's weird. Becuase there are tons of people that sell them in MA.

It would be good to see the law. Did you get the chapter and number of the law where it was written?

Ditto what C-pher said.
I think it has to be automatic over 1.5 inches to be illegal. I dont see spring assisted.

I am not a Lawyer, but this is what I found

Chapter 269: Section 10.6.b

(b) Whoever, except as provided by law, carries on his person, or carries on his person or under his control in a vehicle, any stiletto, dagger or a device or case which enables a knife with a locking blade to be drawn at a locked position, any ballistic knife, or any knife with a detachable blade capable of being propelled by any mechanism, dirk knife, any knife having a double-edged blade, or a switch knife, or any knife having an automatic spring release device by which the blade is released from the handle, having a blade of over one and one-half inches, or a slung shot, blowgun, blackjack, metallic knuckles or knuckles of any substance which could be put to the same use with the same or similar effect as metallic knuckles, nunchaku, zoobow, also known as klackers or kung fu sticks, or any similar weapon consisting of two sticks of wood, plastic or metal connected at one end by a length of rope, chain, wire or leather, a shuriken or any similar pointed starlike object intended to injure a person when thrown, or any armband, made with leather which has metallic spikes, points or studs or any similar device made from any other substance or a cestus or similar material weighted with metal or other substance and worn on the hand, or a manrikigusari or similar length of chain having weighted ends; or whoever, when arrested upon a warrant for an alleged crime, or when arrested while committing a breach or disturbance of the public peace, is armed with or has on his person, or has on his person or under his control in a vehicle, a billy or other dangerous weapon other than those herein mentioned and those mentioned in paragraph (a), shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two and one-half years nor more than five years in the state prison, or for not less than six months nor more than two and one-half years in a jail or house of correction, except that, if the court finds that the defendant has not been previously convicted of a felony, he may be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two and one-half years in a jail or house of correction.
Moderator said:
I sure we will be corrected if wrong.

I'm sure that we will.

The thing that some people get confused is that an assissted spring release still needs the user to exort some sort of pressure against the blade in order for it to extend.

Auto doesn't, it's a button or swich that will extend the blade for you. You never once touch the blade itself to open the blade.

So if even if that's the law that he saw, it's saying nothing about an assissted blade.

I would still like to know if this is what he was shown.
im going to go back up there this weekend to do some christmas shopping and see if i cant cajole the piece of paper out of him,or at the very least copy the pertinent info.. I didnt get the numbers.
this is the Army navy store in the liberty tree mall in danvers if someone gets there before me.
I find it interesting that that law makes it illegal to possess damn near ANY kind of non-lethal weapon (does any other state even THINK of banning manriki-gusari??) or anything other than... pepper (not always effective) and a handgun (darn hard to get a carry permit for).

No wonder our crime rate is going up. We're a target rich environment for the predators.
i mean , all kidding aside, I dont think you could walk down the street with a big stick in your hand without expecting to be at least questioned and likely disarmed..
Nobody would dare complain about those long, pointed sticks. If you simply call it a cane, the possible threat of a federal ADA action would make them piss themselves. That's one reason that my knee always seems to start acting up again whenever I have to fly. [wink]

C-pher said:
dwarven1 said:
C-pher said:
Wouldn't x-ray or the metal detector still be set off by these?

Yes. And they're illegal in MA. Try one of these instead.

Why do they show you the hole in the picture? I don't think that I get it.

No idea. Maybe to show that you can replace the head of the stick with one of your choice?
dwarven1 said:
C-pher said:
dwarven1 said:
C-pher said:
Wouldn't x-ray or the metal detector still be set off by these?

Yes. And they're illegal in MA. Try one of these instead.

Why do they show you the hole in the picture? I don't think that I get it.

No idea. Maybe to show that you can replace the head of the stick with one of your choice?

Coyote33 said:
C-pher said:
dwarven1 said:
C-pher said:
Wouldn't x-ray or the metal detector still be set off by these?

Yes. And they're illegal in MA. Try one of these instead.

Why do they show you the hole in the picture? I don't think that I get it.

I thought that is where you pour the Glenlivet.

NOW you talking.. :D
A question...

Does anybody know why automatic knives are illegal?

I often wonder if these knives can be considered more dangerous, or lethal than say a fixed blade of the same length? I never could understand the reasoning...Anybody know?
Re: A question...

MRJ said:
Does anybody know why automatic knives are illegal?

I often wonder if these knives can be considered more dangerous, or lethal than say a fixed blade of the same length? I never could understand the reasoning...Anybody know?
I can't say the exact reason other than some law maker thought that they were evil and it was probably a knee jerk reaction to an incident involving one.
Why did the country and why do we still in Mass have the AWB?
thats a pimp cane :P
dont forget the matching hat
You guys are showing your age; er, that is, your youth.

Switchblade knifes were rendered illegal in the northeastern states in the 1950s; all of the states virtually all at the same time. Why? Because in those days, the switchblade knife and the garrison belt were perceived to be the "weapons of choice" of the gangbangers of those days (all of whom, by the way, were white), and they were condemned more as a symbol than as a substantive matter. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Anyone old enough to remember what a garrison belt was?
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