Sportsman Guide


NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 5, 2006
Westhampton, MA. USA
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
This takes the cake.

I called Sportsman Guide to order a few things the other day. One of the things I wanted was one of those holders that side over the magazine and hold the spring so you can load rounds into your mag easyer.

I was told by them that that is a Mass. restrited item and they could not ship it to Mass., ARRRRRRRGGGGGG. This AG thing is really starting to P$^%&%^* me off !!! I told the sales person to tell the powers to be there to stop sticking up our A#$^s and start sending stuff to Mass.

We should all start somekind of petition and send it to these companys and tell them if they don't want our sales for those things that we will not buy other Mass. OKed things also !!! Midway did the same thing to me a month (or so) ago also.

If the companys started getting petitions with 1000's of names on them from us in Mass. I wonder if they would change there tune ???

OK vented enough for now [smile] .
In this case it's not the AG's fault, as much as Reilly is a douchebag... Basically
sportsmansguide is a bunch of pansies... thats what it boils down to. Nobody
else has a problem sending menial stuff like a mag loader here. Hell, there is a
company in woburn I think that MAKES them. (ADCO).

In this case it's not the AG's fault, as much as Reilly is a douchebag... Basically
sportsmansguide is a bunch of pansies... thats what it boils down to. Nobody
else has a problem sending menial stuff like a mag loader here. Hell, there is a
company in woburn I think that MAKES them. (ADCO).


Ya I agree, it doe's suck though that these companys allow someone in power in the state level to "shut them down" to sales.

I've got some of the ADCO ones, bought them at a gun show, they work real well.
I posted about SG here on the forums a few months ago venting my frustration about them. They wouldn't ship me a Chinese SKS ammo bandolier because it had the name SKS in the title and they were told to comply with the AG's ruling that nothing related to AK47s or SKS' could be sent to Mass by them. I was on the phone with them one night for a long time getting switched around from customer service rep to manager, to rep, etc. because I demanded a reason why they wouldn't ship me a piece of canvas with tiny wooden pegs. End result was an explanation saying they have an agreement with the AG's office stating a number of items they won't ship here and those included ietms with names like Glock, SKS, AK47, and many other gun related products no matter if its an instruction manual.
Ya I agree, it doe's suck though that these companys allow someone in power in the state level to "shut them down" to sales.

I've got some of the ADCO ones, bought them at a gun show, they work real well.

I got a bunch of the ADCO Superthumb's at Four Seasons, & they work great. One of the sales guys at Four Seasons also works at ADCO, so he can pretty much get you one for whatever firearms you have.
I called up SG a few years ago to order something (IIRC, I think it was silhouette targets) and after a long "discussion" with their customer service idiots explaining the actual law to them, I told them to take me off their mailing list as I was tired of being told I couldn't purchase perfectly legal items because their lawyers were idiots.

Haven't gotten one since, and I prefer it that way.
I got a bunch of the ADCO Superthumb's at Four Seasons, & they work great. One of the sales guys at Four Seasons also works at ADCO, so he can pretty much get you one for whatever firearms you have.

I've got to take a ride east one of these days to check out this Four Seasons store, sounds like a nice place from what I have been hearing on the board here.
I've got to take a ride east one of these days to check out this Four Seasons store, sounds like a nice place from what I have been hearing on the board here.

It is worth the drive. It's about 100 miles one way for me (I usually go via Route 2, keeps you off the Pike) so I don't do it very often.
SG is indeed unique!

I doubt that they'd sell a Glock T-shirt here to a MA resident!

They over-reacted to the AG's threats, and their sales policy reflects this. I also dropped off their mailing list, although I get Email offers that I don't even bother to open.

They aren't worth dealing with, period!
SG wouldn't sell me paper targets, an M1 carbine handguard, or a knife sharpener. Their catalog goes right into the recycling bin.
SG wouldn't sell me paper targets, an M1 carbine handguard, or a knife sharpener. Their catalog goes right into the recycling bin.

I'm holding their latest sales flier in my hand right now. I stop, I look, I throw. Off the Rim. Rebound! Off the Rim again. Rebound Again! I go in for the lay up. Nothing but trash can liner!

Thanks for the input folks. SG goes directly into the trash can from now on.


How wasteful can you be??? Throw it in the RECYCLE bin!! Or use it to light your fireplace, woodstove or charcoal grill. Let it be of SOME use. [rolleyes]

How wasteful can you be??? Throw it in the RECYCLE bin!! Or use it to light your fireplace, woodstove or charcoal grill. Let it be of SOME use. [rolleyes]

If I had birds, it could line the cage. Alas, I have cats and am not ecologically sensitive enough to make my own kitty litter from shredded papers and magazines.

Theres only one thing SG is good for that they will actually ship here... thats military surplus clothing. Oh and I did order a compact scope for an SKS. Of course if it had SKS in the description they would have refused the order. [rolleyes]
Theres only one thing SG is good for that they will actually ship here... thats military surplus clothing.

I bought a surplus eastern-bloc wool coat from them once but could not get the smell out of it. The only way I can describe it is that it smelled like a taxicab.
Is there any legal recourse that would amend the AG's actions or force them to amend their sales policy ?

I've had it out with them a number of times-check out their wood stocks-restricted ship to MA. What a crock!
ONLY the AG can modify his rules, nobody else has direct jurisdiction over his/her actions.

The Legislature can limit his/her powers (AG) but chooses NOT to do that.

That's it.
ONLY the AG can modify his rules, nobody else has direct jurisdiction over his/her actions.

The Legislature can limit his/her powers (AG) but chooses NOT to do that.

That's it.

Yeah, but I would guess that some of the restrictions SG has placed on
many items is based on puffery- EG, crap that the AG has spewed at them
that's not legally binding. I mean how can he tell them they can't send
SKS stocks here, for instance, when sale of those parts clearly is not
against any actual law? I'm guessing it's because they don't want to
have to lawyer up on the AG, or the AG strongarmed them (maybe cause they
sold ammo to MA at one time) and now they're scared.

What I'd like to know is what will happen to all these places like SG and companies that can't ship ammo here once Reilly is gone? Will they be able to ship or does the ruling stay after Reilly is out?
What I'd like to know is what will happen to all these places like SG and companies that can't ship ammo here once Reilly is gone? Will they be able to ship or does the ruling stay after Reilly is out?

Martha is his (virtually) hand-picked successor. We'll be lucky if it does not get worse.
SG is ok for some things now and then. I bought a couple of nice lamps from them for short money.

I can't be too upset with them for being stupid about our AG. SG is a business whose goal is to make money. They are not our "friend", they are a business. If I owned a mailorder business here and some other state's AG was in my face serving me with papers, I would have to be making a buttload of cash in that state to risk fighting it. I can't blame them for taking the low risk way out.
Yeah, but I would guess that some of the restrictions SG has placed on
many items is based on puffery- EG, crap that the AG has spewed at them
that's not legally binding. I mean how can he tell them they can't send
SKS stocks here, for instance, when sale of those parts clearly is not
against any actual law? I'm guessing it's because they don't want to
have to lawyer up on the AG, or the AG strongarmed them (maybe cause they
sold ammo to MA at one time) and now they're scared.


My point exactly. Most of the stuff I see is not against the law to own or possess here. The AG has simply strong-armed the company into not shipping here under the threat of litigation. The litigation would have no basis and would (or should) simply be dismissed. The financial burden on the company is basically moot one-if they employ a general counsel primarily, he has nothing better to do or 2) they have retained a general counsel-in which case they would likely recover the costs for the trips to court it would take to settle the issue. There has to be a legal recourse for this. How 'bout some input from the resident barrister (s)?
When you sign a contract ("consent decree"), it is still legally binding after the other party leaves town, dies, or moves to Alaska.

IFF they signed a very restrictive consent decree that spelled things out that, although legal, they agreed NOT to do . . . then they are bound to that agreement by law.

So, it matters not who the AG is, their agreements stick. Only way that will EVER CHANGE is if a gun-friendly AG were elected and rescinded the agreements. Not likely to happen in MA in the next 50 years, I'm afraid.
When you sign a contract ("consent decree"), it is still legally binding after the other party leaves town, dies, or moves to Alaska.

IFF they signed a very restrictive consent decree that spelled things out that, although legal, they agreed NOT to do . . . then they are bound to that agreement by law.

So basically SG signed an agreement basically stating that they'll do whatever
the AG tells them to do, with their "win" being that they don't get
prosecuted? That sounds like an artful form of extortion, minus the cash

So basically SG signed an agreement basically stating that they'll do whatever
the AG tells them to do, with their "win" being that they don't get
prosecuted? That sounds like an artful form of extortion, minus the cash


When you sign a contract ("consent decree"), it is still legally binding after the other party leaves town, dies, or moves to Alaska.

IFF they signed a very restrictive consent decree that spelled things out that, although legal, they agreed NOT to do . . . then they are bound to that agreement by law.

So, it matters not who the AG is, their agreements stick. Only way that will EVER CHANGE is if a gun-friendly AG were elected and rescinded the agreements. Not likely to happen in MA in the next 50 years, I'm afraid.

I totally agree with You Len
We have four years to get involved in Goal , the MSC , Your local Club ,Your local County League (every County has one) etc. and try to change the laws that effect Us and Our Sport. Or the Legislatures in office . They Laws are NOT going to change on there own

Sportsmen and Women need to Put there Money where there Mouth is , or We will lose everything

If You are a Goal Member , check out the opinion letter about the
Mass. Sportsmen's Council on Pg.4 of the Dec. 06 Outdoor Message
by Paul J. Kress
I'd say that Sportmen's Guide has written off MA shooters as customers and we should write them off as well.


That'a what I was thinking in my post.

If somehow we all got a petition signed, and sent it to them, I think they would wake up when they saw how many of us are not going to do buisness with them anylonger.

To get anyones attention you hurt them in the paycheck !!!
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