Speaking Well for Man - A Conversation with Tom Selleck

It was really just a bit part, but did managed to tear my eyes off Geneviève Bujold long enough to notice him in Coma.

He comes up in every intro class we do. We keep telling people not to try to flip the cylinders closed on our wheel guns the way that Mike Conners used to do in the opening of Mannix, and not to slap the magazines into our semi's the way the Selleck did in the opening of Magnum P I. We've caught a few students abusing the wheel guns that way, and one of our 1911's managed to abuse one of the students who wasn't paying attention. [oops] [twisted] [oops]

KMaurer said:
We keep telling people not to try to flip the cylinders closed on our wheel guns the way that Mike Conners used to do in the opening of Mannix, and not to slap the magazines into our semi's the way the Selleck did in the opening of Magnum P I. We've caught a few students abusing the wheel guns that way, and one of our 1911's managed to abuse one of the students who wasn't paying attention.

It's been a loong time since I've seen Magnum PI - how did he "slap the magazine" into a semi-auto? Just wondering.

One of the opening shots was just focused on his hands as he loaded his 1911. He'd insert the magazine about half way, then give it a solid slap on the base plate with the flat of his palm. After cautionin students about this in class, we had one guy do it with one of our 1911's that on which the other instructor had just installed new fake ivory grips. Of course that was the one time in 1000 that doing it that was managed to catch a piece of flesh between the edge of the magazine and the magazine well. Loud scream, blood all over the new grips (and everything close), the perfect teaching moment for the other students. [wink] [wink] [wink]

I have actually seen semi autos which will let the slide move forward if you slap the magazine into the magazine well too energetically. I don't think that they're supposed to do that... :)

Tom Selleck is the Man. Should be NRA President.

First season of Magnum is on DVD. Ah, to be back in the early eighties again.
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