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I am curious what you guys think of this one. It seems like the link off it about is ludicrous. Who uses the term scientific consensus for a poll anyways? It like someone had no data to follow up their claim and instead did a poll that was like, scientific proving stuff man.
Who uses the term scientific consensus for a poll anyways?
Global warming alarmists do.
It's funny you mention it but the guy who sent me the link is right now using the Houston floods as more proof of global warming
He also just posted this picture of open carry people
Btw the way, did you see the part of the poll says 58% of people think having a gun in the house increases the risk of suicides? I mean by that logic then, so does rope and razor blades?
Btw the way, did you see the part of the poll says 58% of people think having a gun in the house increases the risk of suicides? I mean by that logic then, so does rope and razor blades?
Because MYOFB, that's why.
Unfortunately, this is propaganda that suggests that owning or wanting a gun is a mental illness, which will eventually disqualify one from it.
This kind of "social science" is paving the way to gun bans and confiscation on mental fitness grounds.
Lol, yeah just like listening to Misfits, Ozzy, and Slayer makes anyone who listens to them a mass-murderer or into devil worship.
Btw the way, did you see the part of the poll says 58% of people think having a gun in the house increases the risk of suicides? I mean by that logic then, so does rope and razor blades?
While skimming the article I ran into an article about why the police shouldn't carry glocks.
Incompetence isn't the problem, guns that are too easy to shoot are. Cops should be carrying unloaded double action only revolvers with safeties for their safeties, holsters with retention snaps that require a fingerprint reader to unlock.
I carry a concealed gun because cops are too heavy.