The Goose
NES Member
On Saturday I took the Mastering the Defensive Snub Revolver course given by Michael (not Mike) De Bethencourt at the S&W Academy. Michael also respomds to Bobo, but not Mike. LOL! At any rate it was a great class. At the beginning Michael established that we were peers, that we were his assistant instructors and that all information could be discussed or challenged. Frankly, there was very little that I could challenge. The class was fast paced and I had the distinct impression that Michael could have continued non-stop for at least a few days without running out of information. There were 13 people in the class and they ranged from LEO's to correction officers to legally armed citizens like myself. After intros and legalities the morning was largely spent on how to load amd reload the snubby. Loose rounds, speed loaders and speed strips were covered and the pros and cons of each were experienced. Michael,s way of handling the snubby during loading and reloading was different then I and most of the class was used to, but it is very efficient and after practice began to feel natural. I will definitely stick with and practice this skill. Lunch and breaks were quick affairs and the afternoon was range time. A variety of drills were practiced, single shots, doubles, fast shots, partial reloads, slow long shots. Again it was fast paced, fun and I know that I am a better shooter today then yesterday morning. The end of the day was spent on weapon retention and touched on the snubby as an impact weapon.
The main thing I took away was that much of what I habitually practice on the range would get me killed in a gunfight. There was a lot of stress on getting the snubby reloaded and back into the fight as fast as possible, a lot of stress on partial reloads. This class presents the snubby as a fighting weapon whether close in, long range or as an impact weapon. I am a small business owner who carries a snubby for personal protection, I strongly feel that this class has given me tools and drills that I can practice that could save my life. Highly recommended.
PS. Oh yeah, I meant to mention. At the beginning of the class Michael cautioned about snubbies with internal locking systems. During the class one guy had his S&W lock up during a drill and could not get it unlocked at all. Out of commission and scary as hell!
The main thing I took away was that much of what I habitually practice on the range would get me killed in a gunfight. There was a lot of stress on getting the snubby reloaded and back into the fight as fast as possible, a lot of stress on partial reloads. This class presents the snubby as a fighting weapon whether close in, long range or as an impact weapon. I am a small business owner who carries a snubby for personal protection, I strongly feel that this class has given me tools and drills that I can practice that could save my life. Highly recommended.
PS. Oh yeah, I meant to mention. At the beginning of the class Michael cautioned about snubbies with internal locking systems. During the class one guy had his S&W lock up during a drill and could not get it unlocked at all. Out of commission and scary as hell!