FAIRFAX, Va. --(Ammoland.com)- In a case supported by the NRA, David Lawson, who had previously been a plaintiff in McDonald v. Chicago, challenged the decision by the City of Chicago not to allow him to register two normal SKS rifles with fixed ten-round magazines.
Although the rifles do not meet Chicago’s definition of an “assault weapon,” Chicago refused registration because they were “convertible” into “assault weapons.”
The city denied the registration in spite of the fact Chicago has a separate provision for dealing with registered rifles that are converted into “assault rifles” after registration.
I love this part...
At the hearing, Mr. Lawson and his counsel presented the SKS rifles for examination by the court, but the two “expert witnesses” for the City, both police officers, refused to even touch them.
I'm just wondering if it wasn't a deliberate attempt to blow the case so as not to have to fight (and pay for), yet another appeal, or not wanting to become the test case for the SCOTUS to rule on the Constitutionality of State/local AWB's?
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