Single-shot type people....How many out there on NEShooters?

Jun 16, 2005
Satuit, MA
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Just trying to get an idea how many of us do any single shot shootin'.
Not much talk about Ballards, HighWalls, Maynards, Sharps and the like.
I sold my only single shot to finance my attempt to better equip myself for HP.
How many live close enough to Pembroke to try the 200 yd. offhand matches on Sundays in the Winter (from a heated shooting house, of course).

Well, Lad............
We're just gonna hafta get you "back East" for a day of 200 yahd offhand stuff. There's a good group of shooters here. For some, it takes them 20 minutes to unload the car becuse they're shooting in every class. I'll even dig into my pockets to feed ya if you make the trek.
How long a ride is it for you to drive up to Reading?
me, me !

Re: Single-shot type people....How many out there on NEShoot

Cledus J. Crabb said:
Just trying to get an idea how many of us do any single shot shootin'.
Not much talk about Ballards, HighWalls, Maynards, Sharps and the like.
I sold my only single shot to finance my attempt to better equip myself for HP.
How many live close enough to Pembroke to try the 200 yd. offhand matches on Sundays in the Winter (from a heated shooting house, of course).

Don't have any bolt guns but I line in Plymouth. I was gonna take a ride up to Pembroke last winter to check it out but never made it. Maybe I will the year.
I've been known to make the trek up from S. Plymouth to shoot my usual 3 or 4 targets at Pembroke many a Sunday morning.
I usually stay and shoot a good part of the day. It is about the only thing I look forward to during the cold months.
Cledus J. Crabb said:
........and it's not only for single shot stuff, either.
There are about 5 different classes in which to compete.

Cool Cledus. I had heard about the winter shoots via the CMP email newsletter. There was little blurb and a link to the site. It looks like fun. Just may have to give it a try. I'm a memebr at the Plymouth Club.
What does Plymouth do for offhand matches?
I've seen pics of Plymouth's range and it would be a great place to try that type of shooting (or any type of 200 yd. stuff actually).
We can always use another place to shoot and 200yard ranges make things more interesting.
I can't remember anyone ever talking about anything going on, rifle wise, down there.
Cledus J. Crabb said:
What does Plymouth do for offhand matches?
I've seen pics of Plymouth's range and it would be a great place to try that type of shooting (or any type of 200 yd. stuff actually).
We can always use another place to shoot and 200yard ranges make things more interesting.
I can't remember anyone ever talking about anything going on, rifle wise, down there.

As far as I know, there aren't any rifle matches, not even fun shoots. I spoke to one of the guys there about starting a military rifle shoot and he said he'd help me if I wanted to start something. I know there's skeet and trap matches and I think some pistol stuff. They have a high power pistol league.
So all it needs is someone to start something and I'm sure the permission would be granted to get it going.
I usually go on week days and have the whole range to myself. It's great in one respect because I can set targets whenever I want and not have to wait for anyone. Unfortunatly, it gets boring real fast with no one else there.
Let me get this straight............
A 200 yd. rifle range that is never crowded?
All you need is a little help to get a match organized?
When do you want me to spread the word?
Cledus J. Crabb said:
Let me get this straight............
A 200 yd. rifle range that is never crowded?
All you need is a little help to get a match organized?
When do you want me to spread the word?
I can't say never cause I don't know what the weekends are like but like I said, total dullsville on weekdays.
I'd have to have some kind of plan to present to the e-board and time to do it too! But it is doable.
How come you never joined Plymouth, Cledus?
I was going to join Pembroke but someone told me that you were only allowed 1 round in a firearm on the line. I Have mostly milsurps and hicaps and that wasn't gonna do. Plus Plymouth is a lot closer. It's nothing to load up and drive there in 10mins from home.
Don't reckon I've ever known anyone who's belonged there.........and never ever heard of anyone shooting anything but a shotgun there, either.
Belonging to both Old Colony and Scituate pretty much zapps me for dues money, too.
Old Colony did change its "1 round only" in centerfire rifle, though.
I think you oughta take a little "R&D" ride up to Old Colony and check it out. The rifle contingient there is a very able and interesting group. I'm sure there would be plenty of interest in anything that Plymouth could do as a club; rifle wise.
Cledus J. Crabb said:
Don't reckon I've ever known anyone who's belonged there.........and never ever heard of anyone shooting anything but a shotgun there, either.
Belonging to both Old Colony and Scituate pretty much zapps me for dues money, too.
Old Colony did change its "1 round only" in centerfire rifle, though.
I think you oughta take a little "R&D" ride up to Old Colony and check it out. The rifle contingient there is a very able and interesting group. I'm sure there would be plenty of interest in anything that Plymouth could do as a club; rifle wise.

The rifle aspect of Old Colony had me real interested. I wanted to shoot with like minded people but the 1 rnd rule was the deal breaker. That and 100 yds.
The rifle range is nice at Plymouth. No sky barrier, lanes for 25 and 50 yds with their own backstop and then the 100 and 200 yd lanes. All seriously under used. I think a turn off may be no plinking allowed (paper targets only) and no sillouettes. Although they do have sillouette for the plack powder program which just re-started.
They're dumping $$$$ into re-building the indoor pistol range. It'll be climate controled with real ventilation!!!
I will take you up on a visit to O.C.
When does the (dare I mention the word) WINTER Sunday rifle shoots start?
The start of the Winter Matches is scheduled for 20 November.
Shooting starts at 1000 hrs.
All 200 yd. match shooting is done from the (heated) shooting house. There are 7 firing points. We shoot in 20-25 minute relays and shoot till everyone has had enough. 20 shots for score and unlimited sighters.
Let me know when you wanna look around.
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