Side benefit of reloading....

Jul 28, 2005
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In general my two boys haven't shown much enthusiasm or interest in shooting. My oldest doesn't care to shoot at all. My youngest (11) likes it ocassionally - .22 Ruger MkII and Marlin .22 rifle so far.

Well I just found out they both get the biggest kick out of reloading!! They love popping the primers and resizing the brass! Last night one of my sons asked to clean the primer pockets for me. [smile] I hope this keeps up.. it was fun sharing this with my boys.... unfortunately my younger son now calls my "bullet dad".... I hope he doesn't slip and use it in front of the wrong people. [laugh]
When my brood were younger I signed up my oldest son in our Junior Div program which he continued, including highpower rifle on the MA State Team until he was 17 or so and discovered girls. That was the end of his shooting other than the USMA.

Girls did not take to shooting much, but the youngest girl did help reload. Wanted to catch the rounds comming out of the Dillon and box them. She is now a police officer.

Youngest boy (now 22) was and still is interested in shooting. Unfortunately, he has Muscular Dystrophy and no longer has the strength to pull a lightened trigger even with both hands. Is barely able to drive his electric wheelchair, BUT, he is the most avid gun nut of my four. We do have some great discussions.

Just keep them interested and go along with the type of shooting that seems to interest them.
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