Shot Show 2006

Shot Show

I leave Wednesday and will be at the Shot Show until noon or so on Saturday.

If you want to catch up with me, stop by the USPSA booth in the earlier part of the morning - we'll have our table outside the main entrance in the lobby of the convention center. I'm not certain I'll be there at the opening bell on Friday, but I will on Wednesday.
Re: Shot Show

Rob Boudrie said:
I leave Wednesday and will be at the Shot Show until noon or so on Saturday.

If you want to catch up with me, stop by the USPSA booth in the earlier part of the morning - we'll have our table outside the main entrance in the lobby of the convention center. I'm not certain I'll be there at the opening bell on Friday, but I will on Wednesday.

So, Rob, will you be at the booth on Thursday morning, opening day? Whatever day you are there, I will make a point to stop by and chat a while.
Re: Shot Show

Cross-X said:
Rob Boudrie said:
I leave Wednesday and will be at the Shot Show until noon or so on Saturday.

If you want to catch up with me, stop by the USPSA booth in the earlier part of the morning - we'll have our table outside the main entrance in the lobby of the convention center. I'm not certain I'll be there at the opening bell on Friday, but I will on Wednesday.

So, Rob, will you be at the booth on Thursday morning, opening day? Whatever day you are there, I will make a point to stop by and chat a while.
I'll be there in the AM on thurs - stop by a bit before the main doors to the show open - we get the early traffic since we're in the lobby outside the main show.
Shot Show

S&W is now selling AR15's, and had the M&P pistol on display. Glock had no new models.

FN had their semi auto P90, as well as an interesting .223 semi auto rifle which accepts conventional AR magazines.
Did you see Irlene Mandrell? She's there with CZ-USA showing off thier new rifle. If you see her, give her a kiss for me...she's a hottie. And then tell me about this new rifle. I want to know how much it's set to be.

They said that it's going to be able to keep under 1 MOA at 600 or 1000 yards. But that it's going to be debuted at the Shot Show. I think that they are calling it the Ultimate Hunting Rifle. But I'm not sure.
C-pher said:
Did you see Irlene Mandrell? She's there with CZ-USA showing off thier new rifle. If you see her, give her a kiss for me...she's a hottie. And then tell me about this new rifle. I want to know how much it's set to be.

They said that it's going to be able to keep under 1 MOA at 600 or 1000 yards. But that it's going to be debuted at the Shot Show. I think that they are calling it the Ultimate Hunting Rifle. But I'm not sure.

hmm. I'd like to see the range results that say it's sub moa at 1K.
derek said:
C-pher said:
Did you see Irlene Mandrell? She's there with CZ-USA showing off thier new rifle. If you see her, give her a kiss for me...she's a hottie. And then tell me about this new rifle. I want to know how much it's set to be.

They said that it's going to be able to keep under 1 MOA at 600 or 1000 yards. But that it's going to be debuted at the Shot Show. I think that they are calling it the Ultimate Hunting Rifle. But I'm not sure.

hmm. I'd like to see the range results that say it's sub moa at 1K.
wouldnt a gun thats sub-MOA at 100yds be sub-MOA at 1000yds?
Dirigo said:
derek said:
C-pher said:
Did you see Irlene Mandrell? She's there with CZ-USA showing off thier new rifle. If you see her, give her a kiss for me...she's a hottie. And then tell me about this new rifle. I want to know how much it's set to be.

They said that it's going to be able to keep under 1 MOA at 600 or 1000 yards. But that it's going to be debuted at the Shot Show. I think that they are calling it the Ultimate Hunting Rifle. But I'm not sure.

hmm. I'd like to see the range results that say it's sub moa at 1K.
wouldnt a gun thats sub-MOA at 100yds be sub-MOA at 1000yds?

Shot Show

I did see the alloy replacement frame for the Glock. Glock brags about fex being a good thing; the replacement frame brags hat they eleminate it.
derek said:
Dirigo said:
derek said:
C-pher said:
Did you see Irlene Mandrell? She's there with CZ-USA showing off thier new rifle. If you see her, give her a kiss for me...she's a hottie. And then tell me about this new rifle. I want to know how much it's set to be.

They said that it's going to be able to keep under 1 MOA at 600 or 1000 yards. But that it's going to be debuted at the Shot Show. I think that they are calling it the Ultimate Hunting Rifle. But I'm not sure.

hmm. I'd like to see the range results that say it's sub moa at 1K.
wouldnt a gun thats sub-MOA at 100yds be sub-MOA at 1000yds?

how is that?
Depending on the caliber and load. You might have a sub moa .223 rifle @ 300, but when you take it to 1000 with out a larger chamber to shoot more than 77gr, you are not going to hold 1moa. My AR will hold 1moa at 600, but I highly doubt it will at 1000.

What caliber is that rifle?
derek said:
Depending on the caliber and load. You might have a sub moa .223 rifle @ 300, but when you take it to 1000 with out a larger chamber to shoot more than 77gr, you are not going to hold 1moa. My AR will hold 1moa at 600, but I highly doubt it will at 1000.

What caliber is that rifle?

It's now up on the CZ-USA page, still no price listed yet.

Ultimate Hunting Rifle

The CZ Ultimate Hunting Rifl e (UHR) is a new CZ 550 based rifl e in .300 Winchester Magnum that comes in at 8 lbs, and includes a minute of angle accuracy guarantee to 1000 yards. By maintaining quality control standards unheard of in the industry, the Ultimate Hunting Rifl e delivers a level of accuracy formerly only available from high-end custom rifle smiths.

Derek, if they say that it's holding 1 MOA at 100 yards, it would be about 6" group at 1000? Or is it 10" at 1000 yards? MOA always screwed with my head.
C-pher said:
derek said:
Depending on the caliber and load. You might have a sub moa .223 rifle @ 300, but when you take it to 1000 with out a larger chamber to shoot more than 77gr, you are not going to hold 1moa. My AR will hold 1moa at 600, but I highly doubt it will at 1000.

What caliber is that rifle?

It's now up on the CZ-USA page, still no price listed yet.

Ultimate Hunting Rifle

The CZ Ultimate Hunting Rifl e (UHR) is a new CZ 550 based rifl e in .300 Winchester Magnum that comes in at 8 lbs, and includes a minute of angle accuracy guarantee to 1000 yards. By maintaining quality control standards unheard of in the industry, the Ultimate Hunting Rifl e delivers a level of accuracy formerly only available from high-end custom rifle smiths.

Derek, if they say that it's holding 1 MOA at 100 yards, it would be about 6" group at 1000? Or is it 10" at 1000 yards? MOA always screwed with my head.

1MOA is 10'' ar 1000yds
FWIW, John Farnam just posted his review of the SHOT show . . .

>--- [email protected] wrote:

9 Feb 06

Today was the first day of the SHOT Show in Las Vegas,NV. We got through the law-enforcement section. Some observations:

Stinger, Taser's competition was on display. Similar device, but with an
important difference. A hit from a Taser will deliver a pre-set, five-second ride to the recipient. The user can manually abort the ride sooner than five seconds, but, for best results, such shortening of the ride is not recommended.

The stinger only delivers electricity to the recipient so long as the trigger
is held down, and it automatically shuts off after four seconds in any

Time will tell which approach is best, but, from what I know, my
preference is for Taser's system. A prematurely shortened ride may
create more problems than it solves!

Bill Wilson has introduced a small, polymer-framed, concealable 9mm
pistol, about the size of a Kahr 9. It's called the APD. It uses the
gas-retarded blowback system of the old H&K P 7 and comes apart the same way. Trigger is seven pounds, and the reset is deep and
mushy. Self-decocking, this will make a nice, small carry gun. On the
downside, it has a two-position, manual safety lever, which I would just
leave in the "off" position, and it has no external slide-lock lever, so
the slide can be locked to the rear only with the insertion of an empty
magazine. The gas system will heat up, but polymer will not transmit the
heat as readily of did H&K's steel frame.

Action Target is now making an ingenious device, called the "Breach Door."

This training edifice allows officers to breach the same door multiple
times, and it resets in seconds. Resistance of the door can be adjusted
so that it can be kicked open, or it may require an impact device, and/or
a shot-lock. It can even be used with explosive entry. Breaching doors
can thus be practiced time and time and time again, by the same team, with little time required for reset. Something every SWAT team should have!

Kimber had on display its new KPD, a polymer-framed duty/concealment
pistol, designed to compete directly with the G19/23, the SIG 229, and the S&W M&P. It has an eight-pound trigger with a deep, mushy reset. It is slim and features adjustable grip sizes, something that all manufacturers of service pistols are going to be forced into. It is slim and easy to handle. On the negative side, it has a magazine safety, and the magazine safety shares the same problem with that of the Ruger's pistols. With the magazine removed, the trigger functions normally, dropping the hammer, but the gun is prevented from firing.

Magazine safeties on S&W pistols simply make the trigger go slack, which is sensory input to the shooter that the magazine has become unlocked or is not inserted at all. Either way, the shooter instantly knows what to do to correct the problem and get his pistol running. With the Ruger, and now the KPD, the magazine safety, when activated, will still allow both trigger and hammer to function normally. It simply blocks the firing pin! Upon hearing a "click," instead of a "bang," the shooter knows
little, because the pistol has told him little. Chamber might be empty.
Might be a dud round. Magazine may be unlocked. To me, this is a source of needless confusion. It's a deal-buster!

Remington's 40XS sniper rifle in 338 Lapua was on display. Wonderful
1500m gun! In conjunction with DPMS, Remington is also marketing the
XM110/SASS autoloading sniper system, featuring an upscaled AR-15 in 308 caliber.

Remington's shotguns are now available with the Knoxx buffered
stock. Really takes the unpleasantness out of shooting a 12ga
shotgun! They also had their 7615 223 pump rifle. It's basically a 20ga
870 in 223 caliber. Controls are all in the same place.

Remington "Technology Division" showed the R1 Eyeball. A softball-sized
ball, containing a video camera, can be thrown into a danger area. It
automatically rights itself and pans the area. A remote TV monitor can
then be consulted to reveal what the ball sees. I can see many uses for this!

Beretta had the PX4 pistol, in four versions, the "C," "D," "F,"
and "G." The one to get is the "C" version, for "Constant Action." This
is a rotary-barrel, polymer-framed pistol. Nice size, and it features
adjustable grip sizes. The "F" and "G" versions have manual decocking
levers and thus will not sell well. The "D" version's trigger is heavy,
but the pistol features a "double-drop" on a recalcitrant round. The
"C" version features a seven-pound trigger, deep, but distinct, reset,
but no double-drop. The"C" version will sell well, again competing
directly with Glock, SIG, and S&W. They needn't bother with the other three!

Beretta is also now making a 223 rifle, designed to compete directly with
the AR-15. It's profile is similar to that of the AR-15, but far from
exact. It is called the RX4, and it features a collapsible stock, ambidextrous controls, and it takes AR-15 magazines. This is a nice, light rifle and will do well.

Blackhawk's wonderful Serpa holster now has a level III, duty
sibling. The lever three version features the button release on the right
side and a thumb release on the left side. Fast, slim, easy to learn to
use, and secure, this holster is ideal for uniformed, duty carry.

More tomorrow...

____________________________________________________________10 Feb 06

Second day at the SHOT Show:

Friends at the Glock booth indicated that Glock's long-awaited 223 rifle
will not be with us any time soon. Most pistol manufacturers, including
Glock, are now focusing on the new Pentagon Pistol Contract, the
particulars of which are still not clear, although we know the new pistol
will be in 45ACP caliber.

Kel-Tec's new PF9 nine-millimeter pistol is small, light, and extremely flat!
Nice hide-out gun. Brian Hoffner is making the "Secret Carry" holster to
accommodate it and also Kel-Tec's 380Auto. Nearly invisible as Brian was wearing it.

Friends at Cor-Bon tell me their best seller is still 115gr, 9mm,
conventional hollow-point. Powerball is ten-percent more expensive, and
DPX is fifty-percent more expensive, but both are surging in
popularity. I carry DPX.

Detonics had their small, Combat Master, which I carry, on
display. Joining the line is the Service Master, a commander-sized
1911. Wonderful carry gun! I'll have a copy soon. Their five-inch 1911
is called the 9-11-01.

The Taurus "24/7" is basically a G19/23 with the addition of a manual
safety. Trigger is two-stage and similar to Glock's, inasmuch as the
reset is short and crisp. The Taurus folks were gracious and helpful. I
didn't shoot it, of course, but the 24/7 felt good. If I carried one, I'd
leave the manual safety in the "off" position.

I didn't handle FN's new plastic pistol, but I'll get my hands on a copy

I lost count of companies marketing AR-15s. I particularly like DSA's and
RRA's versions. I'll handle S&W's version tomorrow. The standard for 223 rifles is the AR-15. It works fine, but gas-piston guns like Robinson
Arms' existing RA-96 and their new XCR, Beretta's new RX4, SIG's 551, and others will all probably work better. Lots of interest, in and out of
police channels, to drive this market. SIG's 551 is a wonderful 223, but
thus far is imported only into police channels.

Two choices in 308 are SA's M-14 platform and DSA's FAL. Both were on

I own both, but my preference is the FAL. DSA's customer service is
next to none!

More tomorrow...


____________________________________________________________12 Feb 06

SHOT Show ended today. Here are notes from days three and four:

Kimber has abandoned the external extractor on their line of 1911s. All
pistols on display at the Show had internal extractors. They indicated
that the change is permanent.

SIG's marvelous 223 rifle, the 551, until now only imported for police
use, has a new version entering general commerce in August. It is called the 556. It is basically a 551, with a retractable, AR-15-style stock, and, instead of accepting SIG's wonderful plastic magazines, it accepts AR-15 magazines. Nice gun, but I wish it took the original SIG magazine.

S&W's new AR-15, called the M&P-15 is well done indeed! Everything is
pretty standard. As always, I like the plane-vanilla version best.

Beretta had their new 223 rifle on display too, as I indicated earlier.
However, it has no flash suppressor, and, of course, like all 223s, it
needs one. Also, its cross-bolt, manual safety makes it difficult for use by

FN's plastic pistol, the FNP, comes in both a self-decocking and a
manually-decocking version. It has an eight-pound trigger with a deep reset.

I wouldn't call the reset "crisp," but it is not as mushy as that of Kimber's
KPD. It has an exposed hammer and, thank Heaven, no magazine
safety! Available in 40S&W and 9mm. Nice pistol!

Rock River Arms had on display its new upscaled AR-15 in 308. Called the LAR-10, it happily accepts FAL magazines. DPMS has something similar, called the Commando 308, but it uses a proprietary magazine, available only from DPMS.

Out later this year, both use the original Stoner gas impingement system
and will compete directly with SA's M1-A and DSA's FAL.

I talked with the folks at Kahr, and their M1 Carbine has been vastly

Used with Cor-Bon DPX ammunition, this rifle is poised for a real renaissance.

Their KP45 pistol in 45ACP is shipping, and its size and flatness makes it
attractive for concealed carry.

Friend and old-time colleague, Jimmy Cirillo, as on hand to show me his
new "Cirillo Pistol Sight." Big front dot, and the rear sight is half a
circle. In the view of the shooter, the front sight ball floats in the center of the "cup." Unlike the case with conventional pistol sights, there are no right angles. I'll have a set to try shortly. Jimmy is a legend and the
grand old man of our profession. Still feisty as ever!

CZ has purchased Dan Wesson Arms and had both company's guns on
display. CZ has made real inroads among American pistol competition
shooters, but little penetration of the serious gun market. The Dan
Wesson line might help.

Crimson Trace has a big display, as did Lasermax. As was pointed out,
laser pointers are useful when a conventional sight picture is precluded,
such as when a officer is using a shield and pistol at the same time or is
using a pistol with a large, silencer can. When you purchase the Crimson
Trace, you get no-additional-cost batteries for life. Nice touch!

Woolrich is now aggressively competing with 511 for the tactical clothing
market. Their shirts and trouser are nicely done. I'll trying a set out!

Tim Wegner, president of Bladetech and maker of an extensive and wonderful line of ky-dex holsters, tells me that there is currently a big demand for tactical holsters for the M9 as well as AR-15 magazine holders. Most going to military customers.

The "Photon" is the best of all key-chain lights. Bright, but it can be
ramped up and down, and it has a replaceable battery.

It is great to see such a wide array of well made guns and accessories
from which the American consumer can choose. The entire industry is
healthy and optimistic.

The 2007 SHOT Show will be in Orlando, FL. Back in Las Vegas in 2008.

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