NES Member
How many MA-SAS members are posting here? Just wondering.
LenS said something that bothered me a bit, he said that he was dropping his membership after this year because 'men aren't welcome'. I think that's sad, actually, although I think I understand the rationality. Women need to become independently competent with their guns, and sometimes if their man is around they defer to them, or sometimes the man isn't as supportive as he could be, he intimidates her a bit, and she doesn't develop the confidence she could if she were learning alone. I don't think it's that men aren't welcome, just that they shouldn't be at the official meetings/instruction.....someone correct me if I'm offbase on this.
I can understand LenS feelings in the matter, however. SAS is a good organization and needs support, it's too bad there wasn't a 'Brother' supporter category or somesuch
LenS said something that bothered me a bit, he said that he was dropping his membership after this year because 'men aren't welcome'. I think that's sad, actually, although I think I understand the rationality. Women need to become independently competent with their guns, and sometimes if their man is around they defer to them, or sometimes the man isn't as supportive as he could be, he intimidates her a bit, and she doesn't develop the confidence she could if she were learning alone. I don't think it's that men aren't welcome, just that they shouldn't be at the official meetings/instruction.....someone correct me if I'm offbase on this.
I can understand LenS feelings in the matter, however. SAS is a good organization and needs support, it's too bad there wasn't a 'Brother' supporter category or somesuch