Score: Air Marshals 1 ; suspect 0

Despite the generally bad news about the state of Homeland Security, apparently they're doing some things right. Hopefully Al Jazeera will broadcast the clip.
Rule #1 Don't tell a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport.

Rule #2 After telling a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport, do not run away from the agent.

Rule #3 If you are running from an armed federal agent in a populated airport after telling him you have a bomb, do not reach in to the bag where said bomb is supposed to be.

derek said:
Rule #1 Don't tell a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport.

Rule #2 After telling a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport, do not run away from the agent.

Rule #3 If you are running from an armed federal agent in a populated airport after telling him you have a bomb, do not reach in to the bag where said bomb is supposed to be.


HA! Now that's Funny...true AND funny.
derek said:
Rule #1 Don't tell a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport.

Rule #2 After telling a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport, do not run away from the agent.

Rule #3 If you are running from an armed federal agent in a populated airport after telling him you have a bomb, do not reach in to the bag where said bomb is supposed to be.

I was watching some talking heads on one of the cable news channels. They were second guessing the shooting.
"Did he REALLY have a bomb?" "He was off his meds." "Did the Marshall speak Spanish?"
Who cares, he said he had a friggin' bomb!
Wonder if the other passengers with get some free tix? [roll]
derek said:
Rule #1 Don't tell a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport.

Rule #2 After telling a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport, do not run away from the agent.

Rule #3 If you are running from an armed federal agent in a populated airport after telling him you have a bomb, do not reach in to the bag where said bomb is supposed to be.


Rule #4 If you fail to follow rules 1-3 KISS YOUR SORRY ASS GOODBYE!
senorFrog said:
Well, I bet the unintended result of this is people start behaving better on flights.

I bet the unintended result of this is that the ACLU will get involved and help this persons family sue the government for wrongful death!

Adam_MA said:
senorFrog said:
Well, I bet the unintended result of this is people start behaving better on flights.

I bet the unintended result of this is that the ACLU will get involved and help this persons family sue the government for wrongful death!


Unintended consequence.
I was thinking on the way home from work. What would the outcome have been if a Police officer confronted someone on a stop.

The person doesn't listen to the LEO and gets out of the car.
Then the BG tells the LEO that he has a bomb in the bag that he is holding.
When the LEO forcefully instructs the BG to put the bag down the BG quickly puts his hand in the bag.

I would hope the out come would be the same.
and this is why I'm not troubled by the TSA letting scissors and screw drivers et al through security. Frankly if we try to protect passengers and planes with protocauls alone, the Terroists will find a loophole and exploit it.

Before September 11th nobody expected that a plane could be taken by a boxcutter. it was somthing NOBODY suspected.

A well trained federal agents can be trained to REACT to terroists and stop them, rather than just use protocauls to keep the acts from happening in the first place.

Let them have thier screwdrivers and nail scissors. they'll just find a buch of 0.355 inch holes in thier body.

A usefull deturant!


-Weer'd Beard
Jeremiah said:
Despite the generally bad news about the state of Homeland Security, apparently they're doing some things right. Hopefully Al Jazeera will broadcast the clip.

The generally bad news about Homeland Security is generally hyped up bad news. Despite what you might see, hear, and read in the MSM things are going along fairly well. The proof of this is despite everything reported, there has been no successful attack on the Continental US since Sept. 11.

As to a law suit, it won't be for Wrongful Death, it will be for a Civil Rights Violation. There's far more money to be had if they are successful.

Governments at every level have various levels of immunity or liability limits for regular tort claims. In Massachusetts for example, municipalities are limited in liability to $100K per incident. Individual employees are indeminfied by their municipal employer as long at they acted within the scope of their employment and there is no allegation of a violation of the victim's Civil Rights.

derek said:
I was thinking on the way home from work. What would the outcome have been if a Police officer confronted someone on a stop.

The person doesn't listen to the LEO and gets out of the car.
Then the BG tells the LEO that he has a bomb in the bag that he is holding.
When the LEO forcefully instructs the BG to put the bag down the BG quickly puts his hand in the bag.

I would hope the out come would be the same.
That's exactly how I thought of it.
Bad news if these facts are correct...about 30 air marshalls before 9/11, about 2,000 after 9/11. Heard it on Howie Carr tonight. Hope we have significantly more air marshalls than that.
senorFrog said:
Bad news if these facts are correct...about 30 air marshalls before 9/11, about 2,000 after 9/11. Heard it on Howie Carr tonight. Hope we have significantly more air marshalls than that.

I was surprised to see that he was close. 33 before Sept. 11. Apparently the current number is classifed. They've also been moved a few times since Sept. 11.

There was also a plan to train federal agents from several other agencies to be sort of auxiliary air marshalls. The goal originally was to have two on every US flight, including international flights. Given the number of flights ever day, that wasn't very realistic.

derek said:
Rule #1 Don't tell a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport.

Rule #2 After telling a federal agent you have a bomb while standing in an airport, do not run away from the agent.

Rule #3 If you are running from an armed federal agent in a populated airport after telling him you have a bomb, do not reach in to the bag where said bomb is supposed to be.


Rule #4. If you are bi-polar, failure to take your medicine could be deadly! [cry]
CNN is already slanting the story.

Their 'ticket tape' on TV says,"Passenger Slain....."

The 'victim was...........'

A consultant being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer said, '....the govt is not perfect, it makes mistakes, and this is undoubtedly one.'

I'm betting on a multi million $ wrongful death lawsuit before the end of the year.
I didn't think it would take long for the "second guessing" to start. I feel for the air marshall. From what I heard from the press conference, it was justified. The perp was supposed to be an American citizen. If he didn't have a clue as to what could happen, especially after 9/11, then I'm sorry he was having a bad day because he didn't take his meds, but it was his own fault. Air marshalls better keep doing the job they were trained to do, and, most importantly, without remorse. If this causes am's to start second guessing, then youknowwhat's gonna hit the fan.
It's too bad that someone died, but the marshall was doing his job to protect those of us who have to leave our guns locked up while we fly. The media will probably try to crucify this guy, but hopefully, he won't be punished, for doing the right thing.
Cross-X said:
Let's stop dancing around what we all really want to know: did the air marshal shoot a nice, tight group? [roll]

From what I heard, it was a 1 shot kill!

CNN is already slanting the story.

Their 'ticket tape' on TV says,"Passenger Slain....."

The 'victim was...........'

A consultant being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer said, '....the govt is not perfect, it makes mistakes, and this is undoubtedly one.'

Isn't it amazing how one news outlet can help to form the opinions of a nation? For once I'd like the ticker to say "Dumbass shot for threatening to blow up a plane".
Off his meds or not he made a threat of deadly force. His wife should have ensured he was on his meds. My wife makes sure I take mine [roll]
Latest heard is they were traveling back from a misionary vacation in Peru.
Yeah.. Last night on the news, they were talking to their neighbors and really talking up about how many trips per year they take doing missionary work...

On a positive note, the news this morning had some good clips of senators and such that were saying it was a good shooting...

Time will tell.

A coworker of mine once told me the story of how he got stupid with airport security - this was back in the 90's or so.

Seems Steve and a friend were going through security when security wanted to look inside his friend's fanny pack. the guy checking Steve through asked him if he "had one of those things, too" - referring to the fanny pack.

Steve, wiseass that he was, says "Oh, no, my bomb is much smaller than his."

Steve's final comment on the story was "Did you know that it's a felony to joke about bombs to airport security, and they can indeed strip-search you?"

Like I said... Steve could be real dumb at times. I, of course, was on the floor laughing when he told me this.

BTW... my wife, who flys a LOT for business, made the comment last night that the air marshal did exactly what he should have done - How was he to know that the guy was off his meds? If he'd held his fire, and the guy had detonated a bomb, they'd be excoriating the poor bastard 10 times worse.

I feel sorry for the crap that marshal's going to have to go through because of this. Heck, he's probably second-guessing himself now that he knows it was some idiot off his meds and not a terrorist!
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