S&w M&p

No idea, however "The List" is only updated 2 times a year. I believe in July and Dec. So that being the case, if it makes it past the testing, it won't be available until the next list is published.

Smith and Wesson is one of the only manufactures that goes through the trouble for us poor saps here in MA. I read somewhere that they are already in the process of getting it certified for MA. That being the case, they will have to provide 10 round mags to meet the certification.
Adam_MA said:
Smith and Wesson is one of the only manufactures that goes through the trouble for us poor saps here in MA. I read somewhere that they are already in the process of getting it certified for MA. That being the case, they will have to provide 10 round mags to meet the certification.

That's why Reilly would love if the 10-round mags were total junk. He KNOW's S&W is gonna get aproval lest he be labeld for what he really is.

Granted how poorly he's running his Campaign for Govenor, maybe he'll do just that.

Why just go down when you can go down in a blaze of Glory *hole* [devil2]


-Weer'd Beard
FunYun said:
The real question is what mags do they use?

It would suck if they were a new design and you can't find anything that works in it.

They use their own mags but S&W has stocked up on them so they can be had.

I shot one at the S&W IDPA Winter Championship. I reqlly liked it. Can't wait until the 357SIG model comes out in August.
Adam_MA said:
No idea, however "The List" is only updated 2 times a year. I believe in July and Dec. So that being the case, if it makes it past the testing, it won't be available until the next list is published.


I though the "List" only applied to handguns?

(scratch that... I was thinking of the M&P 15)
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I shot the .40 at the S&W IDPA Winter Chamipionships -- it shot so softly it didn't really feel like a .40.

If I wasn't so keen on Glocks, I'd certainly give the M&P a good hard look.
Adam_MA said:
No idea, however "The List" is only updated 2 times a year. I believe in July and Dec. So that being the case, if it makes it past the testing, it won't be available until the next list is published.


I'm almost positive there is 4 list updates per year!
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