Rigger/crane operator needed near Canton


NES Member
Feb 17, 2008
Feedback: 39 / 0 / 0
I need to drop a vault door to my basement through the bulkhead. The frame is about 84"x43" and is about 500lbs. The door is smaller but weighs about 1200lbs. The location is in Canton. Maybe Eastern Security can do it without rigging. I'll have to call them and find out.

Any suggestion is appreciated.
My back hurts just thinking about it.

Sent from the Hyundai of the droids, the Samsung Replenish, using Tapatalk.
My back hurts just thinking about it.

That's why I let the pro's do it. I'll be holding a camcorder documenting the project. [smile]

Got a pic of the basement stairs?


Based on your numbers you are presenting, how do you intend to get the frame through the door? I have put a gunsafe in a basement such as this but the door was full width. It was actually not difficult at all, because we used the friction of plywood, and the angle of the stairs made the bottom fit into the basement. We then tilted the safe upright and onto 1 inch pieces of pipe, rolled it to where it needed to be, and there it was! I would say the safest bet is to have the company you bought it from put it in. That door frame I would bet is going to need to come out. Good luck and let us know how it went !
If you're willing to put a lot of effort into this then remove the bulkhead stairs entirely, find a guy with a back hoe and drop it straight down onto pipes taller than your threshold, from there just keep swapping pipes and roll in right in. I'm assuming it will get through that door, otherwise I guess you'll be pulling that out too. Done this way, you might get away with dropping it in assembled. Good luck ............ What could possibly go wrong? LOL
We use to deal with a Canton based crane/rigger called Arthur C. Lamb. They did very good work at reasonable prices but didn't carry the huge insurance policies that some of our clients required.
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