Retreat and Defeat

Nickle said:
Liberal, another name for a Socialist or Communist.

Maybe once upon a time, but that's hardly accurate today. Surprisingly enough, a more correct term would be Fascist. Unlike the Socialists, whom they violently opposed, the Fascists advocated a system primarily consisting of privately owned and run businesses, in an environment that strictly limited and "guided" the actions of businesses through permits, regulations, licenses, taxes and subsidies. Any if that sound familiar?

KMaurer said:
Nickle said:
Liberal, another name for a Socialist or Communist.

Maybe once upon a time, but that's hardly accurate today. Surprisingly enough, a more correct term would be Fascist. Unlike the Socialists, whom they violently opposed, the Fascists advocated a system primarily consisting of privately owned and run businesses, in an environment that strictly limited and "guided" the actions of businesses through permits, regulations, licenses, taxes and subsidies. Any if that sound familiar?


Fascism is generally right wing. To equate US Liberals to Fascists is wrong. They are quite exactly Socialists. Socialism does not require take over of businesses by the government, like Communism does.
I suppose it's hard to make sense of ehn most people are still caught up in the myth of right vs left as the defining measure of political systems. The only reason that National Socialism and Fascism were ever described as "right wing", while Soviet Socialism was considered "left wing", was because they were deadly enemies. Once you clear away all the mutual venum, they were extrememly similar. If Fascism is a right wing system, then so is Communism. The bottom line is that both are predicated on strong centralized control of the economy by the government, one through outright ownership and the other by regulation/taxation. Since most American liberals don't espouse direct government take overs of major industries, but "simply" more layers of regulation, they are indeed more accurately described as Fascist than Socialist.

Since the groups usually described as "right-wing" don't really have that many French nobles in them, nor do those described as "left-wing" have that many French revolutionaries, I'd suggest that that description is somewhat passe. That's particularly true when one considers that the those "left-wing" revolutionaries were fighting for less government control, while the "right-wing" nobles were holding out for more control.

I still say they're Socialists, as in the UK, France, Canada and several other Free-Market highly taxed and regulated countries. Socialism

I consider the Extreme Right Wingers close to Fascism, and the Left Wingers to be Socialists. Most Republicans aren't quite extreme enough to call Fascists, though the DNC sure tries hard to make us think the GOP is a bunch of Communists. They're not smart enough to use the term Fascist that much.

I consider myself a Moderate and more Libertarian than anything else (except possibly a Constitutionalist).
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