Reporter DOESN'T Support the Troops

I didn't bother reading past the first paragraph, I didn't want to drive home pissed. If the reporter lives in LA or south of LA, someone will find him and make him regret his comments.
Ok, I was so pissed off I sent off a letter to the editor. Doubt it will get seen by the 'enlightened' but here it is.

Before writing about supporting the troops try and spend a week with them sans all your creature comforts and talk WITH them and not AT them. Only then will you understand the support they deserve and need reguardless of the conflict they are in.

They are doing something you are incapable of and thats changing the world in a proactive, meaningful way. They are the embodiment of the phrase 'Actions speak louder than words.'

You do not characterize a phrase, you are the embodiment of a single word. Ignorant
I heard about it Jon, but thanks for the Nitro warning.

While I truely believe this scum is sewage sucking vermin, I will, at least, give him credit for being honest. That being said, pardon me whilst I sharpen my poison pen and dip it in the curari....or however it's spelt.
Speechless [shock]


That's all I can say. Only think I'll add, I better not.

It's so sad that good people die to defend this idiot's right to spew.
Oh, I think you're right there. I know some REMF's that would be way better than him. It's scum like him that make us go above and beyond to let our guys know that we do care and appreciate what they are doing.
I also couldn't get past the first paragraph.

If his opening statement is THAT bad, my time it too valuble for this peice of dogshit.

Unless he's chained in the pillary in a public square....then I'll drive over and spit on him.


-Weer'd Beard
I sometimes think these idiots spew such crap just to get negative feedback to the editor; it proves to the boss the article was read by many. No such thing as bad publicity?

That said, the author is an ass.
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