Projects Appleseeds Next Event... September 21 & 22! Sign up now!


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0
Join Us for a Historic Weekend in NH - September 21st & 22nd!

For those near Massachusetts, why not take a short trip over the border to New Hampshire for a weekend filled with history and marksmanship? It’s a fantastic location where you can dive into Revolutionary War history and learn about some incredible individuals who shaped our nation.

In addition to the history, you'll also get a chance to challenge yourself with marksmanship training. On day two, if you're feeling confident, you can put your skills to the test with targets out to 100 meters!

For more details and to sign up, visit Project Appleseed [here], or feel free to PM me or post any questions in this thread.

There are also two more upcoming events in NH at Dunbarton and Littlton, so keep an eye out for those dates as well.

Hope to see you there!
Just wanted to say that I attended this event this past weekend.

I learned a ton, unfortunately wasn't able to score high enough to earn a patch, but I'm planning on going back in the spring to try again. It rained all day Saturday which was less than ideal, but we made it through OK.

For the middle aged guys, practice a lot lying prone and sighting in a target. I found it to be tougher than it looked and I was aching Saturday night. My neck, back, and hips give me issues so lying prone really stressed them a lot.
@Fixingcars I'm happy to hear you made it out to the event. I'm disappointed I wasn't able to make it and meet you. I had just gotten over 3 straight days of 102+ fever. So I thought maybe skipping the rainy day would be a good idea.

I'll catch you at your next event! Happy to hear you had a good time and learned a ton! Word of mouth, tell your friends!

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