Possible mountain lion sighting on South Chesterfield Road in Goshen


NES Member
Jun 23, 2009
Western Massachusetts
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No big surprise to the hunters on the forum.


MassWildlife is aware of the recent claim of a mountain lion in Goshen however, supportive evidence has not yet been received.

by: Ashley Shook
Posted: Oct 18, 2024 / 12:41 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 18, 2024 / 03:34 PM EDT

GOSHEN, Mass. (WWLP) – Officers are warning the public of a possible sighting of a mountain lion in the Hampshire County town of Goshen.

According to the alert posted by Chesterfield Animal Control on Friday, the sighting was on South Chesterfield Road in Goshen. Although mountain lions are rare in Massachusetts, there is no evidence they are reproducing, according to MassWildlife.

The Chesterfield Animal Control says, “For those of you asking if this person knew it was for sure a mountain lion, yes, it was. As someone who is educated in animals and wildlife, I can confirm that I, myself, have seen mountain lions on our property in Chesterfield.”

Residents are being asked to be wary of their surroundings and call 911 if they are in danger or need assistance.

Confirmed reports of mountain lions in Massachusetts​

MassWildlife says that there have been only two cases so far where evidence supports the presence of a mountain lion in Massachusetts. Reports are often mistaken for large bobcats or coyotes.

  • April 1997: A lab test of scat found at the Quabbin Reservation confirmed it came from a mountain lion.
  • March 2011: Photos of a track trail in the snow near the Gate 8 boat launch area of Quabbin Reservoir.
A Department of Fish and Game spokesperson told 22News on Friday that MassWildlife is aware of the recent claim of a mountain lion sighting in Goshen however, supportive evidence has not yet been received.

Read the rest:

Man who survived California mountain lion attack that killed brother expected to recover
A mountain lion ran across the road in front of my vehicle in 2006, on a road in Southampton, MA, with my wife and I both observing it. Bounding across the road, the animal looked like nothing else around here. It was huge, with a very large tail. There was no mistaking it.

I hunt an area near where it crossed the road and have seen large feline prints on very rare occasion, significantly larger than those of a bobcat (and not the snowmelt enlarged type). The area is relatively remote and a large, unbroken parcel. While I was hunting for bobcat in that area, using an e-caller, I played a "bobcat in heat" sound. It wasn't long before I heard a guttural response that I've never heard before, nor since. The cat came closer but hung up, and I never spotted it. I did find some tracks in the snow on my out from that set, and they were from a cat. The prints seemed to be very large for a bobcat, but not as large as the other very large feline prints I had seen. But whatever it was, the sound it made sure had me on edge for a bit.
Yup, I call BS until an actual picture is produced that is verified location wise. With all the game cams out there someone would get a picture of one at some point if it was in an area.
There has never been a confirmed photo of a cougar in Massachusetts. Not one! If they were here there would be many with the hundreds of thousands of game cams in the woods.
I saw one near the Harriman Reservoir in Searsburg? Vermont 10 years or so ago. Not too far away. On the Catamount Trail.

That’s the one.

I remember reading the article and being amazed that they could track a single mountain Lion 2000 miles across the country but can’t find illegals in our own back yard.
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