Polls Show More Hispanics Turning Their Backs on Gun Control, Civilian Disarmament Advocates


NES Member
Dec 30, 2013
Some caves off Route 40 past Groton
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Six generations since the Civil War and two since the Voting Rights Act tripled the number of Blacks registered to vote to >60%. Blacks have favored gun control more than Hispanics for years, but both are shifting - Hispanics more.

Hispanics, if citizens, can vote in Federal elections - some non-citizens can vote local elections. You don’t get a path to citizenship by rioting, looting and burning - nor do you lose citizenship (or rights) by doing so if not prosecuted, White, Black or Brown. I think that Hispanics are realizing that the Democrats want to control the rights they most dearly sought as new citizens and are pushing back.

The majority of the ~7% non-citizen US population are Hispanics. I’d suggest that they will support 2ndA rights in growing numbers. I can’t find more recent data, but until minorities can find roles other than those of gang-members or processing chicken, picking fruits/vegetables and cleaning up, I figure the Conservative Hispanic trend will flatten out at <2/3rds.

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